  • Jour 5

    Under Water Walk

    7 juillet 2019, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Started off our 6 day tour with Melly by walking under water.

    So we took a boat ride out to the under water location. On the ride out Kayla is mentioning that she is getting really nervous. I’m trying to keep her calm and excited that it will be fine. Come to find I was the one that needed to be encouraged....😣. They give us a quick review of what hand signals to give.....stop, help, I’m ok, breath through you nose,...oh, and don’t look down or your mask will fill with

    Kayla wants me to go first....ok. We are told to step on to the side of the boat ladder and they place the helmet over our heads. They then tell us start to go down under the water BUT what I did not expect was the scuba guide to grab my waste and drag (DRAG) me to the bottom....HOLY CRAP...I almost had a panic attack!! Sooo, I look down, mask start to fill with water, my ears are popping, I feel like there is not enough air....the guide looks at me and signals me to calm down. 😫 All I could think about was Kayla FREAKING out.... So the guide leaves me to go back up up and get Kayla...I’m so worried for her because I can’t tell her what’s about to happen. Next thing I see is Kayla coming down with the guide and what does she give me...a smile and an OK sign. 👌🏽 As soon as I saw she was just fine I calmed down and enjoyed the walk. We laughed so hard after!
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