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  • Jour 19–20

    Macquarie Island day two

    30 décembre 2023, Australie ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

    We are both very tired after yesterday. We didn't get back from our second zodiac trip until after 7:00 and by the time we changed we were not at dinner until just before 8:00. We debated whether or not to go out in the morning as we would be returning to the beach at Sandy Bay. We decide we won't go, I can spend a little more time in bed, always nice.

    Just before lunch we reconsider our decision. We will only be here once in all likelihood and there is this nagging feeling that we might be missing out on something so we decide we will try and go in the afternoon with the last group. So pleased we made the decision as it was a completely different experience from yesterday. This was the first time Ponant had been able to offer the opportunity for guests to land on the beach and walk unsupervised amongst the wildlife whilst of course, still keeping a five meter distance where possible. We're also able to do it because we are here for 2 days and the weather is spectacular yet again. My initial thinking was we could walk for a little while, not the full 2 hours and then take one of the available zodiacs back to the ship. Of course it was such a wonderful experience. There is no way we were going back to the ship early.

    Bob went and looked again at the King penguin rookery and I stayed close to where the zodiac landed. Here there were a large number of King penguins, elephant seals and giant petrals . Because we were walking without a guide, I was able to spend time just watching the interaction between birds and animals. One petrol spent time picking at the skin of an elephant seal, the seal wasn't terribly impressed, but the bird persisted. Again it was noisy and smelly but such a privilege to be there.

    We then walked along the other side and stood and watched the Royal penguins going out to sea and returning I did not go up to the rookery this time, but stayed on the beach moving carefully between seals and birds. One of the King penguins decided to follow me it became challenging to keep my distance from the bird whilst not stepping on or getting too close to a seal, it was very funny. A giant petrel flew really close wonderful to see. I was surprised just how quickly 2 hours passed and it was time to catch the zodiac back to the ship.

    This was not the last excursion of the day. The cruise director was making sure that we made good value of the time we had, particularly as we were allowed to be ashore or around the islands from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ship time not Australian time. Given the sun doesn't go down until after 10:00 p.m. it gave us an opportunity for one more zodiac ride this time to Lusitania Bay. The zodiac took us past one of the world's largest penguin rookeries, 1+mill penguins. Yet another amazing sight and of course really noisy. Most of the penguins were king penguins and of course there were elephant seals.

    It's New Year's Eve and so that means a gala dinner, a show and for those with more stamina than me dancing until midnight. Some of the revelers stayed up until 2:00 a.m. it was a particularly fine meal with excellent French wine. On our menu it said we would be served. Surf and turf which we found amusing. Surf and turf turned out to be a piece of eye fillet steak and a substantial piece of lobster. The sea is getting rougher.
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