  • Hari 24

    Monkey temple!

    6 Desember 2019, India ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Fallen in love with Jaipur.

    Went to the monkey temple yesterday and just oh my god. So so so sad we don't have those darn rabies shots so we couldn't feed them or get too close. But still what a cool experience! Monkeys everywhere and more blessings for us (though I did get food poisoning for the second time already so not sure how blessed I was)

    There's also a huge hike included and right at the top we found what seemed to be a dead monkey. Luckily he wasn't, but he was blind. Poor thing. Kaya and I gave him some water and food and he slowly regained more strength. Though we're not sure we did the right thing prolonging his suffering as I can't imagine he does very well. Very interesting experience though. He was very hazy with heavily dilated pupils and wouldn't respond to any movements we made only sound.

    Monkeys are so similar to us it's crazy! The baby monkeys are just too cute for words. Being sick in a hostel was not a great experience but survived. In a super duper nice hotel now for my upcoming birthday. Its really beautiful but only an added bonus to our enthusiasm for Jaipur.
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