  • Dag 190

    Nice tree

    5 maj 2019, Italien ⋅ 🌫 17 °C

    In 1644, the King of Naples sent tax collectors intermittently to the Puglia region, near the town of Alberobello; from the medieval Latin name of the region “siva arboris belli” (The wood of the tree of war).
    Count Acquaviva came up with a plan to avoid settlement taxes: he forced local people into houses that could be taken apart easily . These were the famous trullo houses that had been around (sic) since ancient times and since they were morterless - dry stone walls - they could be built or destroyed very quickly.
    When eventually it was out for the Count, the town was granted the staus of a royal town by the King of Naples. For 200 years they have kept the style of their houses though, adorned with pagan Christian and alchemical signs .
    The centro storico is now a Disney park and busloads of tourists from cruise ships docked at Bari come up to wander around.
    Another UNESCO World Heritage site
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