  • Hari 232


    16 Jun 2019, Slovenia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    In the southern part of the Triglav Park you can find the Alpine pasture of Polog, above the valley of the Tolmika river, where the rear echelon of the Austro-Hungarian army could recuperate in a relatively safe haven from artillery fire during WWI, and where members of the Austro-Hungarian 3rd Mountain Brigade created this church between March 1 and Nov 1 1916
    The Soca (Isonzo) Front from 1915 to 1917 was an area to be avoided if possible. Sadly, many Italians and many Austro-Hungarians were not allowed the choice. The names of 2564 Austro-Hungarians who died fruitlessly are recorded on oak shingles on the walls of this church.
    Remigius Geyling, a Vienna painter and stage set designer, was a 1st Lieutenant who took part in the battles. He drew up the plans for the "Memorial Church of the Holy Spirit in Javorca". The soldiers, most of whom were tradesmen, constructed the monument under another one of their officers, Hungarian Lieutenant Geza Jablonszky.
    The Coats-of-Arms of the 20 provinces that comprised A-Hungary are remembered in panels on the exterior walls. This one is 'Trieste / Trst'.
    Just up the valley during WWII the German Army obliterated the Simon Gregorcic Partisan Brigade in the pastures of Sleme and Mali Stador. So it is fitting that the modern Sentiero della Pace dalle Alpi all' Adriatico, (that from the town of Log to Trst,) passes through this place, where on St Vitus\ day an Orthodox mass is held and at Whitsun, a Catholic one.
    It is a very pretty chapel in a very tranquil setting, and not a Coca-Cola vendor in sight.

    Inscribed above the door by Italians renovating the building in 1934 is the phrase:
    "Ultra cineres hostium ira non superest".
    [Anger / violence does not survive the ashes of the enemy.]
    Baca lagi