  • Dag 102

    Cuyabeno - Nicky's Lodge

    14 juli 2019, Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    We woke up for a 6.30 boat trip to find animals. We managed to see a sloth (from a distance), many birds and FRESH WATER DOLPHINS - WOW.
    we returned for breakfast at 8.30 before setting out again to search for animals (more sloths, this time from closer) and to visit a local community. We searched for yuca roots and then all helped prepare them - first they were peeled, then washed then grated then strained then seived before being made into thin bread that almost looked like pita. We are the bread with fish cooked in banana leaves, rice, beans, guacamole and some other things. We then had a dessert of banana with the starch from the yuca made into a patty and it was incredible with this cocoa sauce. There was also a huge millipede crawling on the ground that we held - so cute and strange!
    We saw more dolphins and birds on the way back before arriving at the campsite for a rest before setting out again on a trip to swim and watch the sunset over the lagoon. We saw a Madre luna owl camouflaged in a tree - it looked so similar to a tawny frogmouth. Kait and I elected not to swim due to the caimans and being too cold afterwards. On the return we saw a massive caiman hiding in the mangroves - so eerie!!! We also saw a baby caiman and an Amazon tree boa.
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