My place on St Charles

More pics of my place. It was wonderful.
More pics of my place. It was wonderful.
Finally! Made it to Willie Mae’s for the world’s best fried chicken. It was amazing!!!! Cooked to perfection.
Well they didn’t win, but they did better than I thought they would. They’re a pretty you g team.
Beautiful Fall day for a walking tour of Metarie Cemetery. Built in the 1870s on the site of a former racetrack. Used Lyft for the first time. So cheap and much better than a taxi.
A trip to NOLA wouldn’t be the same without a Pimm’s cup from the Napoleon House. Same bartender as always.
Cut thru Jackson Square on my way to do some more shopping.
It’s raining this morning. Perfect weather to enjoy an Irish coffee and some shrimp & grits at Cafe Fleur-de-lis. Followed by a fabulous Bloody Mary.
The oak trees are loaded with acorns. With every breeze they fall - pelting me, cars and everything else. Lol
I took a little walk before i started my day. It’s going to rain later so I thought I’d better enjoy the sunshine while it lasted.
Pays to travel solo. The usual wait is over an hour on a Saturday night. No wait for me. Had a bowl if gumbo and the fried chicken. The corn muffin was amazballs!