  • День 116

    Puenta la Reina

    25 июня 2018 г., Испания ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    We were up and walking out of Pamplona by 6:00 am this morning to try and beat the heat, and really enjoyed our hike up to Alto del Perdon - the pilgrims monument. I have to say we did not really enjoy the decent on the rocks. It took such concentration to not slide or twist an ankle, and my knees and ankles are very tired tonight from it.

    The heat came on strong today, and we were suffering a bit (maybe a lot) by the time we walked into our albergue in Puenta la Reina.

    I got a bottom bunk tonight!!! Woohoo! Hallelujah! 😁 Our place had a wonderful outdoor bar with tables and chairs in the shade with a great big tv to watch World Cup soccer.

    I have been craving salad 🥗 and was excited to be able to have that tonight as part of the dinner buffet that was served. It was all fantastic, as was the self serve wine 🍷 👍🏻

    Highlights from today, besides the dinner and wine 🙂:
    1. walking through Pamplona city streets before anyone was up and about
    2. The fresh squeezed orange juice
    3. Walking with Ariel and Noel (I need to get some pics of all of these wonderful people)
    4. Visiting with Anja (from Holland) this afternoon and evening
    5. watching the two young men from Louisiana ( who are studying to be priests someday) try to get ready for bed after having too much wine...Hilarious!
    6. Finally...Spain was able to tie Morocco in their World Cup game at the very end, so people here are very happy 😊

    Tomorrow we continue on to Estella.
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