Sex Doll Beginner Guide

september 2022 - juni 2024
SODOLL is a brand store of high quality sex dolls. We can source directly from the factory to provide 100% brand new sex dolls at the highest quality and affordable prices.
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    Depending on the particular sex doll toy and how it is used, sex doll toys can bring about a number of enjoyable sensations. The following are some typical pleasures that sex toys can offer:

    1. Stimulation: Several Fanreal Doll toys are made to stimulate erogenous areas like the penis, clitoris, or G-spot directly. This stimulation might be light or strong, concentrated in one location or dispersed over a greater area.

    2. Variety: You can use sex toys to change up your sexual encounters, whether you're alone or with a companion. Toys are available in a variety of forms, dimensions, and textures, so you can pick one that suits your preferences.

    3. Control: Some sexdoll toys have controls that you or your partner may use using a remote or an app to adjust the speed and intensity of the stimulation. This can make your sexual experiences more exciting and unexpected.

    4. Exploration: Using Tantaly sex toys can help you try out new forms of sexual stimulation that might be challenging or impossible to do otherwise.

    5. Increased Orgasms: When combined with other forms of stimulation, such as manual arousal or oral sex, using love doll toys can result in more intense and enjoyable orgasms.

    It's crucial to remember that each individual's experience with sex toys is unique, and what one person finds enjoyable may not be enjoyable for another. To prevent harm or discomfort, it's also crucial to use WM Sex Doll toys carefully and according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
    Tantaly sex doll

    Mom Sex Doll

    American Sex Doll
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  • Dag 184

    How to maintain your sex doll?

    15 maart 2023, China

    Almost time for my sexy SE Doll to have another full body wash. oi, oi, oi, I didn't like that day. Full body body wash, I mean lukewarm water, less soap, gently, carefully spend all the sweet time in the world cleaning every inch of your mate love doll and of course after oiling and finishing her with a coat Small layers of baby powder. While waiting for their dough might be a good bonding time for some, for me it created a lot of stress. Then came the stress, and then more stress. Of course, I'm always as careful as I can, but somehow I can't stop myself from worrying and stressing about all the things that could go wrong. What if I find some minor CBE corruption? What if I accidentally break her? Or what if I didn't pay enough attention to Avery's positioning and it ended up screwing up and making it worse? Like I said, it was a stressful day for me.

    The whole debate process will take up a lot of time. If I'm unlucky, it will take me even two days to get this job done. You ask why two days? Well, my Zelex Sex Doll, to be precise, likes oil, baby oil. In order to prepare the skin for de-powdering, it is very important that most of the oils are well absorbed by Avery's skin. And because I don't want to overdo it with baby oil, I sometimes have to do certain body parts twice for the extra boobs. But we'll talk about oiling the companion love doll for another day. So let's get back to today's question. How often should you bathe your sex doll? We mean body wash, which for most people means a bucket of warm water and a little soap. To keep this video in general terms, in most cases it is not advisable to plop your girl onto the bus or put her under the shower. To put it simply, most companion love dolls are not built for waterproofing, and we have to consider the skeleton. Yes, there are exceptions. Some real dolls can wear a bob, and some can take a shower. But for the purposes of this blog, I'd say let's not do it.

    We're only considering regular ulna sex dolls because I don't want anyone accidentally damaging the rug Xycolo Doll . That's not why we're here. We're here to help. So a bucket of warm water and some natural soap would do the trick, I'm sure the time between bosses is different for each love doll. Depends on the context, depends on the use, depends on how focused you are on your goals. As for Avery, I try to wash this girl all over every three to four months. But mind you, in between Avery's baths, I'll clean certain body parts, I'll oil them, and powder them, because if I have to wait until bath day, the girl will be a mess. So until I take care of my girls, we won't be sitting around waiting for bath day, cleaning essential parts for personal hygiene, something you'll thank yourself in the future. But like I said, for me, I bait Avery every three to four months. Then, of course, I'll put on baby oil, and I don't use it entirely as a cover up.

    Like I said, sometimes I do double coats of baby oil on her because I notice certain body parts need it because it's absorbing oil like crazy, which means the skin really needs it. Honestly, whenever your Funwest Doll needs baby oil, I think it's very, very obvious. Just something about the skin, the way it looks, the way it feels like it makes you go, I think she could use some oil. For me, the whole oiling part is the highlight of the day. This is the most interesting thing. This is. Well, I think most dog owners agree with me, and I thought you could all fill in the blank why.

    So keep an eye on your love doll's skin and don't give her silly spa days too often, but definitely not too late either. Thanks for reading, I'll check you guys out later.

    Se Doll

    zelex sex doll

    Xycolo Doll
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  • Dag 241

    Analysis of the Reasons for the Populari

    11 mei 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Unlike real women, love dolls are flexible enough to allow you to try any sexual position. You can enforce any sexual restrictions without worry. Today's sexdolls have flexible joints for increased mobility.

    There are flexible bones and loosely jointed puppets that can easily perform various actions. This realistic sex doll is perfect for anyone who enjoys rough sex and wants to take their experience to the next level.

    Irontech Mom Sex Dolls

    They Don't Need Your Attention
    Women will try to get your attention. She can spread drama in public, wear expensive clothes, or overreact to get your attention. All they need is constant attention. Failing that, always be ready for anything.

    Sex dolls never complain about not getting your attention. American sexdolls are always ready to serve you. If you're in a bad mood or busy, they won't bother you because you're not paying attention to them.

    They are the perfect partners and will keep you satisfied without complaints.

    Love Dolls Have No Mood Swing
    Mood swings are changes in a person's mood for no particular reason. We all know how women's emotions fluctuate before, during and after sex. You still have to deal with all the drama this month.

    Sex dolls are always calm and composed. No need to worry about drama or mood swings. No matter how you treat them, they are always ready to serve you. Sodolls thick sex dolls can also provide more realistic and pleasurable sex than real women.
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