  • Dag 173

    Border crossing Tajikistan - Kyrgyzstan

    30 augusti 2019, Kirgizistan ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    We spent way too little time in beautiful Tajikistan. But since we're running on a schedule, it couldn't be helped. At least we've seen the Wakhan and the Bartang valley and who knows, we might return!
    But for now our way leads us back to Osh. As the border a little further West is closed for foreigners unfortunately (meaning only Tajik and Kyrgyz people can cross), we are driving over the same pass, same border as a mere 10days ago. The way up to the Tajik side feels muuch longer, but Hans makes it and the procedures are as simple and straight forward as during the first time. We even manage to skip the narcotics officer again (this time he waves us past). Going down the pass in nomansland, we meet Dodiemo85 (follow them on Instagram). We had been following each other on social media as these two roam around in Central Asia as well, but we had no idea how close we were. Unfortunately, nomansland going in opposite directions is not the best place to meet, so we only have a brief chat. Would be lovely to meet them again though!
    Anyhow, Hans is getting low on fuel and we're keen on finishing this border business. Well, surprise at the Kyrgyz side: their internet is down and no passports can be processed. Now we know why the Tajiks still write everything by hand! Nothing can be done about it so we chat to fellow travelers for an hour or so. Once the system is up and running again, it takes about 20minutes for our passports to be checked and Hans's paperwork to be completed and we're back in Kyrgyzstan.
    It does feel a bit odd to drive the same road, but in the opposite direction. First time for us on this trip and I keep catching myself looking back to see if the view has changed, if there is more snow on the mountains, if I can glimpse something I haven't before. But then the views in front remind me that you never step in the same river twice. Pay attention to what's coming, it's beautiful!
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