  • Dag 44

    Day 41&42: Hagetemau - Orthez + Restday

    25. september 2016, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Distance: 18.5k (+ 8.2 by car) (943.5/848.3)
    Weather: 27C, sunny
    Mood: Toe-struggle at first, extatic later
    Blisters: 0
    Staying at: Domaine Peyroutic

    Special encounters

    There are these meetings with other people that just feel so intense and special, you think they will stay with you forever.
    Marc and I treated ourselves with a bit of Luxury in The Campagne at the house of Laurence and Henry and their 4 little dogs. Laurence's welcome was warm and quickly we decided we would stay for dinner (without even knowing the price, how wild!) The 98 year old (but still so vital) Henry showered me with his charm and his stories about his days as a fighter pilot, fashion designer, inventor and hotel owner in the Caribbean (in a combination of French and broken english) while Laurence entertained Marc. Wine was superfluous, the food was delicious and we had to try various liquors to finish the feast. We felt we really connected with these people, which we couldn't completely understand due to the language and difference in background. A beautiful night, which will remain a great memory for life.
    The other meeting was with an entrepreneur who had just bought private clinic in Orthez. He picked us up from the side of the road (my first hitch hiking experienced) and drove us back to Hagetemau where he bought us a coffee as well!
    After these special encounters, lots of time in the sun, little dog cuddles and quality time with Marc I feel truly recharged!
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