Vicki travelling alone this time to visit her friend Roberta who has worked in Malawi for over ten years Read more
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  • 13.0kkilometers
  • Day 23

    Travelling home

    May 31, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    Well, I made it home! Four flights and 36 hours later. It is kind of surreal to walk back into first world after spending time in the third world. And back to driving on the right side of the world. This trip was different than a short-term term mission trip in many ways. I wasn’t traveling in a group everywhere. Ministry was much more personal. I learned a little about refugees and their life. I got to see an incredible woman who loves the people of Malawi and takes time to get to know them. Our friendship deepened as we prayed together and I followed in her footsteps. I still love Malawi and her people and hope I can go back, without waiting 13 years to do so. Thank you for following on this trip with me. I'd love to discuss it further with any of you if you want to.Read more