  • Hari 15

    Our final day

    15 Mei 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    So the day has come... our final day travelling and we are spending it in Barcelona 🇪🇸😁 The weather is hot today (too hot) and so I decided to wear a dress for the first time! We had no instructions as to what time we had to be out of our apartment so we took matters into our own hands and decided be out by 11 and leave our luggage their for the day.

    For the 3rd time in 2 weeks we ended up in a hard rock cafe! Slowly ticking them all off the list! I ordered BBQ ribs which were massive and so delicious, the food never disappoints.

    Next we decided to explore Plaça de Catalunya. They had some really lovely shops in this part of Barcelona and it was extremely hard resisting the urge to buy lots 😂 We found another cute sweet shop (better than the one in Prague) called Happy Pills where you get a tub and fill it with sweets of your choice before choosing a label to go on the front of it.

    We also found a fountain which was covered in hundreds of pigeons and the moment anyone threw bread the lot of them would all fly at once towards the person. (Mum you would of ran a mile, pigeons fly very close to your head over here) We also discovered a nice square with restaurants and seats where we sat enjoying the sun for a while before having some ice cream.

    It was getting towards 6pm by this point and so it was time to head back to the apartment and collect our suitcases. We still had no idea what we were meant to be doing with the key and so we just left them on the table as it was a self locking door. It was extremely hard work dragging our suitcases back down the 4 floors of extremely small broken steps but we did it! After that workout we had a 20 minute walk to the bus stop which would take us to the airport. We now knew our way around pretty well and so we knew exactly where we were going to get to the bus.

    After a short trip on the aerobus we were dropped at terminal 2. In we went to find our flight wasn’t on the board... panic... panic... panic! Till suddenly we realise there is a T2 A,B and C and we were stood in B but needed C! A short walk and we were there at easyJet’s own personal terminal where we had 45 mins before bag drop so had a drink at a cafe.

    After dropping our bags and going through security it was a short wait before boarding our flight. The entire flight was in darkness and only took 2 hours. On board we all had a meal deal for our tea :)

    When we landed it was off to collect our bags which came out straight away for once! I suddenly noticed there was another bag going round that looks identical to mine :/ luckily leah picked the right one first time as she spotted it.

    It was then an emotional farewell as we all went our separate ways after 2 weeks of always being together. Ross picked Leah and I up and Katie went home with her boyfriend. We have all had the best time and every minute of travelling was amazing. I now have the travel bug and I’m already thinking what I could do next. Thanks for all reading and keeping up to date with our movements. 😁😁😁 Goodbye till next time...
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