  • Päivä 4

    North Seymour and Rabida Islands

    13. kesäkuuta 2016, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    What a day! Got up early to do a photography tour on North Seymour Island, and it was amazing! We saw dozens of Blue Footed Boobys and it was everything I had hoped it would be! They are amazing creatures full of crazy dance moves, interesting mating rituals, and loving parenting. Just so cool! We also saw several Frigates, also heaving into courtship. I was even blessed by one who flew over and took a dump. Leason learned: do not stare up at birds with your mouth open. Doh! We then headed to Rabida where we had our first snorkel. Fish were large and plentiful. I have never seen parrot fish so huge - and that's no fish story! We headed back to the ship to change, then back to the island for evening walks. I missed the first boat of photographers, and then ended up being on a zodiac with me and 3 NG photographers. Talk about the photography brain trust. We had a Sea Lion encounter, where the literally approached us withing feet. They came so close I laid still and just let them pass. So cool. We then did some jump shot sillouettes, were ready to head down the beach when on of the photographers spotted a rather rare bird: the Vermillion Flycatcher. These guys were so excited - and they see this stuff every day - so I knew it was something special. All in all an amazing day!Lue lisää