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    To Mdina and beyond

    7. Oktober 2017 in Malta ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

    We catch the next bus which takes us on to Mdina, which is where the time trials for the Classic Cars are taking place today. We can look down into the trench outside the city walls which is acting as the pits today. We recognise some of the cars from yesterday but there are a lot more than were on display in the concourse.

    We find a spot where we can see and watch as car after car sets off : Minis, Fiats, Jags, a wildly keen Honda which won last year, cautious drivers, keen drivers of lower powered cars...they're all here. We chat to a couple of big enthusiasts on either side of us. We laugh as the safety truck has to go to the assistance of a marshall who fell over a wall down a bank and couldn't get out! He was unhurt but probably deeply embarrassed! And we learn that almost all these Classic Cars are from Malta itself.

    Then we find Is-Serkin for lunch. We sample pastizzi and qassatat, which are different types of pasties. We had four (ricotta, pea, chicken and anchovy) pastizzi and a pea qassatat plus two beers for less than six euros!