  • Dzień 6

    UK day 2- Birmingham

    16 lutego 2018, Anglia ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    We had a good night's sleep and up reasonably early. No snow today but beautiful fresh sunny day. After brekky and shower we all got into the car and Mary and Aaron drove us into Birmingham with commentary. Going through all different types of areas from the less wealthy suburbs to the posher places. We drove through Bournville where the Cadbury factory is and the village that Mr Cadbury had built for the factory workers when the factory first began in 1824.
    Continuing on into the town centre. It was icy cold in the wind and we had a nice warm cup of coffee then had a walk around town.
    Back in the car and out of Birmingham into the country, so pretty with the winter trees. We ended up at a pub, the Crabmill in Henley-in-Arden, to have some lunch. A bit more of a sightseeing tour around some beautiful heritage listed country estates with magnificent scenery. Back to Mary and Aaron's getting quite weary. Mary and Geoff went off to IKEA to buy a chair while they had a big enough car to fit it in. Jan, Aaron and I had some toast and relaxed in the warm house. Another early night as we were very tired.
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