A 16-day adventure by skip's retirement travel Read more
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  • Day 14

    More from Jayapura

    May 29, 2023 in Indonesia

    This post is of a few sites in the region around Jayapura.
    The 1st 4 pictures are taken in the Museum located at the University in Jayapura. The collection consists of 2 parts. The 1st 3 pictures are in the central gallery that houses the Michael Rockefeller collection from his visits to the Asmat tribe. The collection was repatriated from NY.
    The 1st picture centers on the most important piece there. That is a 9 meter tall statue carved from a mangrove tree. The upper part is actually the mangrove roots. Note the upturned projection. This is a male fertility symbol. The 2nd picture shows war costumes, shields and more.
    The 3rd and 4th pictures are in the other gallery. Thus is a collection of local artifacts. The 3rd picture shows a cabinet with miscellaneous artifacts. The 4th picture shows models of 2 ancient local ships. The upper is a trading vessel. The lower is a warship. This is a small museum with a lot to see.
    The 5th and 6th pictures are in the large local market in the town of Sentani.
    The last picture is taken from the top of 'Teletubbies" Hill. I'm told it has this name because the area looks like where the Teletubbies live. I've heard of Teletubbies but haven't seen the show. So if any of you have seen the show (and are willing to admit it), you may wish to confirm or contest this.
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  • Day 14

    Lake Sentani

    May 29, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

    Lake Sentani is a large relatively shallow lake near Jayapura (see other posts). Most of these pictures were taken from a boat cruising a bit of the lake.
    The 1st 3 pictures are various views of the lake. The 2nd and 3rd pictures show more stilt houses much like the ones captured in the Jayapura post. The 4th picture is of a community house on one of the 21 islands in the lake.
    Assei Island is the island we visited. The people here are known for bark painting. Several examples of their work are shown in the 5th picture. The 6th and 7th pictures are of the church at the top of the hill on Assei Island. This church was built in 1950 (a very good year) to replace the older church that had been bombed during world war 2 by the Japanese. The 8th picture is the view from the hill by the church.
    The 9th picture is of a boy paddling a traditional canoe.
    The last picture is a view over another part of Lake Sentani. This was taken from the top of "Teletubbies" Hill (see the More from Jayapura post).
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