Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 10:10 AM ⛅ 4 °C Altitude: 148 m EnglandChiltern DistrictAmersham on the HillAmersham Station51.67445, -0.6072751°40’28” N 0°36’26” WDay 1Starting at Amersham station November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 11:09 AM ⛅ 5 °C Altitude: 170 m EnglandChiltern DistrictLittle Missenden51.66762, -0.6907651°40’3” N 0°41’27” WDay 1A village rugby game November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 11:50 AM ⛅ 5 °C Altitude: 178 m EnglandChiltern DistrictGreat Missenden51.69925, -0.717951°41’57” N 0°43’4” WDay 1Through autumnal woods November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 12:04 PM ⛅ 6 °C Altitude: 139 m EnglandChiltern DistrictGreat Missenden51.70106, -0.6991151°42’4” N 0°41’57” WDay 1By a beautiful village church November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 12:34 PM ⛅ 6 °C Altitude: 184 m EnglandChiltern DistrictLee51.73361, -0.6810951°44’1” N 0°40’52” WDay 1Lovely landscape November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C 1 like
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 1:09 PM ⛅ 6 °C Altitude: 152 m EnglandChiltern DistrictChesham51.69343, -0.6118751°41’36” N 0°36’43” WDay 1Leaves carpet November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 1:33 PM ⛅ 7 °C Altitude: 140 m EnglandChiltern DistrictAmersham51.67361, -0.6203451°40’25” N 0°37’13” WDay 1Smooth hill along choppy path November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareNov 26, 2016, 3:46 PM ⛅ 6 °C Altitude: 148 m EnglandChiltern DistrictAmersham on the HillAmersham Station51.67425, -0.6076851°40’27” N 0°36’28” WDay 1Waiting for the train back November 26, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareFeb 4, 2017, 11:09 AM ⛅ 5 °C Altitude: 87 m EnglandWycombeHigh WycombeHigh Wycombe Railway Station51.62933, -0.7462351°37’46” N 0°44’46” WDay 71Chilterns in February! February 4, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C 0 likes
Stefano ContiAgain through the ChilternsShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareFeb 25, 2017, 9:56 AM ⛅ 9 °C Altitude: 47 m EnglandSouth Oxfordshire DistrictCholseyCholsey Railway Station51.57034, -1.1576551°34’13” N 1°9’28” WDay 92Starting at Chosley February 25, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C Station and some bike maintenance. 1 like