  • Giorno 6

    The Train

    26 maggio 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    The first thing to be said is thank the universe for the upgrade. Having a private loo and space to spread out a bit made a huge difference. If I were the type to spend free time hanging out in the lounge car the single 'cupboard' would have been fine but I am not. As a couple, the twin would have been quite cramped with Rick being 6'.

    The staff on and off train were all amazingly helpful and attentive but not in a forced way. All behaved as if they genuinely wanted to be there.

    Food was amazing. Every meal a new experience cooked and served to perfection either on a moving train or in the middle of nowhere, often with live music and always with wines curated to match.

    The train was 920m long but there was always motorised transport from the far ends if you needed it. Most places that we stopped were on sidings some distance from town, as I said, the middle of nowhere, but we'd get back on dusk to a roaring bonfire and canapes as the sun set.

    A lot of VERY old people. Very few international teavellers, very few young people and about 70% I spoke to were Queenslanders.

    11 out of 10
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