  • Gün 3

    And ..... sleep

    26 Ağustos 2019, Danimarka ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Back to the hotel to have a little break and fell asleep. It was 1:30 and slept until 5. Didn’t realise I was that tired.

    2 missed calls from a friend of Stella’s who we are supposed to be meeting at 5:45.

    He has a sore foot and has asked if we can meet him at his work rather than him coming to us. 22 minute walk.

    Ok let’s review what we know.

    1. He is at work and presumably close to the train station that will take him home
    2. A sore foot
    3. That sounds like bullshit
    4. I am apparently jet lagged

    Ok Dennis we will come to you. Hrrrm

    Nice walk over and meet Dennis then into a really warm coffee shop to catch up.

    Chai latte (jet lagged people should really drink a coffee), conversation AND my limbs start to sink to the ground. My eyes are heavy. I want to go back to sleep.

    ‘Stell, I need to go now.’

    Dennis is understandable and lucky for him his foot feels ok now and yep that’s his train station 5 steps away.

    Bye Dennis.

    Walk back to the hotel and Stella heads back to a supermarket to pick up some dinner supplies.

    Relaxing night in and to sleep actually quite late at 11pm.
    Okumaya devam et