  • Tag 8

    The 8th Day: In which...

    26. Juni 2018 in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Melinda falls out of a convent. Maria is no theological scholar and nowhere near a mystic, but if you fall out of a convent, Maria thinks someone, somewhere is sending you a sign. We visited the cathedral first thing in the morning (It is enormous. It took hours to tour), and then we stopped at the convent to purchase sweets. We even waited to purchase the sweets from the nuns instead of buying them in the confectionary the day prior. You ring a doorbell, wait for a nun to buzz you in, ask her for some marzipan, and she hands it to you through the bars of the cloister. As we were leaving, Maria doesn’t know what happened but she “almost” fell down the steps. Just as she let out a sigh of relief for saving herself, she heard a thunk, looked over to see Melinda’s legs above her head, and Maria’s broken fan in Ian’s hands. Apparently, Maria’s fan partially, and insufficiently, broke Melinda’s fall.

    We got limpy to lunch and then siesta. After siesta we did some shopping for Toledo gold, and then found a cold bar for a cold drink in the 100 degree heat. Melinda spilled half her beer onto the table. Let’s just say: Toledo-2, Melinda-0. Melinda had the same nail biting day as España in the World Cup. Luckily, both Survived to compete another day.

    Tomorrow we are off to Trujillo. Still hot but will be a nice reprieve from tourists. Toledo has been lovely, but it’s crowded and we are all a little tired. Let’s all say a little prayer that the Audi is still safe in the municipal parking garage...