  • Dia 24

    A 2.5 hour drive in just under 6...

    12 de julho de 2018, Espanha ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    We said goodbye to Casa de mi Abuela and headed for Leon. It’s a 2 hour drive...2 hours after we left, we had made about 5 minutes progress. We didn’t even stop for food, or gas...we just were in awe of the beautiful drive to Leon.

    First, we took a side road to Cucayo. Eleven very windy kilometers...but the most beautiful windy kilometers you have ever seen. We needed coffee, so we found a pension and got a cup. The mother of the proprietor talked to us about the town. She’s known it for all her years. Probably rarely leaves that mountain top.

    Then we went straight to Leon...another three plus hours because every five minutes we would stop for some photos.😂

    Leon is lovely. We’ve already seen the cathedral and it’s marvelous stained glass. It was repaired in the 19th century and all the glass was cleaned. Truly a marvelous sight!

    Then...we braved the cold ( was actually cold!) to watch England in the World Cup semis at an outdoor cafe. We nervously drank hoping for the best...but it was not to be. Maria *might* have had enough sangria to steal uneaten tapas off the next table over😂 Anyway, very excited for Croatia now. The Croatians were waving their flag through the square and singing. It was, after all, very sweet. Go, Croatia!

    Maria’s biggest excitement is that our hotel is directly across from El Corte Ingles. It’s a department store and Maria’s own magnetic north, holy land, etc etc. She’s kind of in heaven.

    Tomorrow: El Corte Ingles all day?😂
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