Arriving Bangui

Non stop from Paris it is about an 8 hour flight.
Non stop from Paris it is about an 8 hour flight.
Thanks to travel friends I met in in Kiribati last August a two day trip to C.A.R is made possible and easy.
Looking at DRC and the Ubangi River.
One of the better hotels in the city with rooms starting at about $40 per night.
Tasty Fish Dinner in a nice atmosphere along the banks of the Ubangi River.
The morning coming alive along the river.
Motorcycles are very popular here and surprisenly they are not loaded down with goods and passengers like in many other places.
It's not uncommon to see cars unbelievably loaded down with passengers and goods on every available space.
A little sweet but starchy.. Stubby Bananas sold by roadside vendors for less than a quarter for a bunch.
Out in the middle of nowhere?