  • День 234

    The Peak

    19 июля 2016 г., Гонконг ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    We wake late this morning, well in fact it's actually closer to afternoon. We grab a shower and head out to catch the tube. We will go to The Peak today which is the highest point in Hong Kong. The queue today is a lot shorter than it was at the weekend but the Hong Kong/ Chinese people really do struggle with the standing in a line mind you saying that so did the French people in the queue it's so bad because there are old people and children in the queue that are getting pushed about so people can get the front seats. Two funny things then happen, the tram drives past the people at the front of the queue and when they eventually get on and sit down more people get on after them and although they don't have a seat they get the perfect view at the front, I do love a bit of Karma.
    As we travel to the top of the peak, the huge skyscrapers that rule the city all look like the leaning tower of Pisa as the angle of the tram causes an optical illusion, and the view is made so much more impressive due to the amount and
    height of the buildings. We reach the top and
    once again delivered into a shopping mall. We wind our way out of here and make our way to the information kiosk inside an old tram. The lady in here is really helpful and advises us of a walk we can take around a small part of the island. She tells us that it will take about an hour so armed with our water we head off, I'm more than glad to leave the crowds behind and head for the tranquility of a country walk. The walk takes us along Lugard road one of the oldest roads on the island, it's beautiful, lined with trees and vegetation as well as spectacular views of Hong Kong Island. As we continue round the path there is a big billboard with a notice of petition about one of the houses here. The house is a listed building but the owner wants to knock it down and build two villas twice its size. Obviously the locals are complaining, but the holding company is owned by an ex government official so I think I can guess who's going to win.
    The walk actually takes us 2 hours and when we arrive back we grab a coffee at Starbucks before specking our spot on the viewing tower to wait for the light show. The city is already lit up and the view from here is beautiful they do love a bit of bling here. We position our camera on time lapse but after 10 minutes I'm that cheesed off with being pushed and shoved we decide to leave and catch the tram, thinking we'll miss the rush , but we are wrong, the queue is massive but they have all barriers here so everyone has to stay in line. After an hour wait we're on our way down and even though we planned to hit temple market again tonight we are going to give it a miss and head straight for the hostel to lay our heads down.
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