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    24. Juli 2017 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We reached Taiwan via Kaohsiung Airport. From there it was a 2 hour bus journey to Kenting. We stayed in an inn smack in the middle of town called Sunshine Inn. There is a park nearby called Qingwashihaiyangyouqi Park. Try saying that real fast. It has some temple buildings but we didn't spend much time there. Instead, we went through it and walked along the sea shore on the reefs. Beautiful rock formation here thanks to the erosions caused by the waves. The view of course, is breathtaking. Came back to the main road by 7pm and there were so many stalls up by then. Lots of food, souvenirs, clothing, etc. We went for the food of course. So many stalls selling seafood, especially squid, but I took a corndog instead. Just felt right. On the way back to the inn we ate freshly cooked prawns and oysters. They were alive and were cooked to death in front of us. And although that sounds really bad, they tasted so good. After that we headed back and called it a day.Weiterlesen