  • Dag 36

    Phnom Penh

    19 juli 2018, Cambodja ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We took the night bus from Battambang to Pnomh Penh which sounded pretty appealing with beds to sleep... But the beds were pretty short and the ride rough so I'd have rather slept in a normal bus... Without much sleep we went to our hostel just to find it completely locked. Ringing and knocking didn't do the job so we just waited outside. I was on my phone when two teenager on a scooter drove past and tried to snatch my phone out of my hands!!! Luckily I've had a pretty good grip so they needed to let go and me and my phone were safe. After that reminder to watch my belongings we got into the hostel and catch up a bit of sleep before heading out again.
    First stop was at the Killing Fields, similar to the ones in Battambang, but even higher in the death toll :( Here is also the national remembrance shrine for the victims of the Khmer Rouge. These killing fields were all over the country and overall 1/3 of the population was killed within a four year span. From there we took a Tuktuk back into town to the lively Russian markets. All kinds of stuff is cramped in the market halls but nothing all to interesting caught our eyes and we were hungry. So we ended up in a small food stall at a corner and had a both surprisingly cheap and good lunch.
    Initially we wanted to go to the high security prison S21 but we decided to postpone it to the other day. For the night we went to the river front and enjoyed the view from a rooftop bar. Exhausted we went to bed and slept for a bit until we got waken by a rat!! It kept us awake for much of the time at night and as we managed to get it out, it got back in soon after :(
    Well, at least we didn't had to spend another night there!! So we went to the prison early to see a movie but it didn't screen because of a power outage... A little bit disappointing but the prison was well worth the visit! It showed once more the cruelties of the Khmer Rouge.

    Then it was time to get to the airport for the short hop over the border to Vietnam...
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