
September - October 2022
A short but fine adventure by Stacy Read more
  • 13footprints
  • 1countries
  • 6days
  • 26photos
  • 0videos
  • 190kilometers
  • Day 5

    Ghost walk 2.0

    October 1, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    This was at the Dublin Castle. Lady Justice is represented here since this was the court house/ politicians except Ireland was rarely just. She's facing towards the castle and away from the public, she's not blind or blind folded (so she can be biased) and her sword is upwards in an aggressive stance (more inductors of punishment than discipline or defense).

    Red Hughe O'Donoghue was a man of high ranking if North Ireland. He was kidnapped and imprisoned for 6 years in the lat 1500s. Escape, raised an army, befriended Spain, began the 9 years war, but then Spain mixed up their directions and didn't show up on time, so North Ireland lost the war. O'Donoghue fled Ireland to Spain. A guy offered him a free drink in Spain - turned out he was an agent of the crown and it was poisoned! Boom, dead.

    Also talked about a Catholic priest who was imprisoned because being catholic was illegal for a while. He was beaten for a week, his legs were boiled off over the course of 3 days, and beaten for another 2 weeks. He still didn't relinquish his religion, and was hanged. (How he survived the first bit idk 😱😱)

    So much torture. Pitch capping = Irish equivalent of scalping.
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  • Day 5

    Ghost walk 3.0 and a cow

    October 1, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    This cathedral was built by vikings, but then being a viking was illegal and it became a Protestant (Church of Ireland) Church. A bunch of stuff, but the fun story I remember naturally involves witchcraft.

    The Church needed fundraising so what do you do to raise money in Ireland? Open a bar. So the Church opened two bars in the basement. What does a bar give you? Drunk men. What do drunk men like? Sex. Darkey Kelly being an enterprising young lady, opened a very successful brothel just down the street, except brothels were illegal. How do you get the law to put up a blind eye? You sleep with law enforcement. Darkey started seeing the sheriff, Luttrell. However, what happens when you have whilst sex in the 1700s with no contraception? Darkey got pregnant and Luttrell was married, so to get rid of her, he accused her of witch craft. Boom, she's a witch, and either burned at the stake or drowned. But then! When they checked the brothel, they found the bodies of 5 men in the basement so Darkey is reasonably alleged to also be a serial killer, and perhaps Ireland's first female serial killer!!

    Also, a cow.
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  • Day 5

    Ghost walk 3.0

    October 1, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I didn't take pics but we also learned about Billy in the Bowl (1700s, born with no legs. A black Smith makes him a bowl with wheels so he can get around.) Billy is a beggar but he hates the world for it so he begins to strangle women. He pretends to be stuck in a hedge, and when a woman tries to help him, he grabs her and strangles her to death (his arms are hella strong from wheeling around). He is such a problem (although not a suspect, because how would a cripple beggar be able to do anything) that the police actually patrol the poor neighborhood where the spree is happening (say what?? Enough poor women died in the POOR area of town, that law enforcement did things?). Eventually Billy gets cocky, and tries to take on two women simultaneously. They get away, he's caught, convicted, and locked up as a freak show so the government can charge people to see him and other freaks.Read more