  • Hari 4

    Almost the first full week

    23 Mei 2015, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Well right now it is 1:15 in the morning and I am on the roof because somehow my room is way hotter than it is outside. I don't know what happened but the power is out in the whole city. I really want to go to bed, but like I said my room is on fire :p. Onto other things, work so far has gone well. Ran into a bit of a snag and was hoping to see some patients but it didn't work out. Good news is I got together Miguel's, Isabel's and Bernadine socket. I think they look pretty darn good. I am going to try and go to the grocery store tomorrow and load up on things like water and such. Haven't had a chance to do that yet. And just like that about an hour later, power is back on. Which is incredible nice because i literally have the most powerful fan in my room. In fact it sounds like a jet engine taking off when it passes by. Good thing I'm use to loud snoring so it doesn't effect me haha. Ok back to bed!Baca lagi