  • Jour 3

    Al Faro, Jewish Ghetto, Venice, italy

    11 août 2018, Italie ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    In the evening, we set out to the Jewish Ghetto, at the Northern side of Venice. We found a little pizzaria, Al Faro. The Ghetto is much quieter with less tourists. We sat outside which is what most everyone does. As we ate, we watched a parade of Orthodox Jews travel to Synagog. It was Sabbath. We ordered Proseccos and Pizza and it was delicious. It was glutin free. Italy is very accustomed to dietary restrictions. They were great. This was the first cheese pizza I have had in years. I have been gluten and dairy free for years. I decided in Italy I was going to eat cheese. I took some lactose pillls and I was fine. I was happy. Happy little cheese eater.

    After dinner, we worked our way back through the Ghetto. To us, ghetto means Detroit. There was no one on the streets. Every once in a while a pocket of locals hung out on corners. We ended up on a dim street with a man a block behind us. Our street sense kicked in unnecessarily, maybe it was just mine, and I made Paul run after we turned a corner. Stupid I know because to be honest, I never once felt unsafe in Venice. My street sense just told me to not take a chance. It’s the dumb ones who don’t listen to that inner voice. We passed through the bar district where the locals sit on the waters edge or on docked boats drinking to loud music. Kind of a cool scene. We made it back safe after a great day exploring Venice. Let’s see what Venice brings tomorrow. Luggage maybe. New clothes.
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