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  • Day 3


    September 13, 2017 ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

    Internet! Internet! Internet! Yayy! Well, internet lite really since it's only 20gb for the whole month. But, nonetheless, I can actually load this site and upload pics at 5:00pm!! I have no idea how far 20gb will take me, but considering that I can't stream any videos or movies, maybe I won't blow through it in 2 days. Back home, we had so much internet, I didn't even think about it. My phone had unlimited and well, the house had enough that we never went, this 'internet-worry' is something fun to niggle my brain as I cruise through facebook......Jasmine, do you really need to look at ALL 34 pics someone posted? Nope. You get 2. Again, it's all perspective. I arrived in Igloolik mere months after they received 4G service. That's great timing right there!! Plus, I got to fly through the brand new airport in Iqualuit. All 6 gates were gleaming and ripe with new carpet smell. See, it's all coming up roses.

    Today was mostly moving related a tenant walk-through with the governmental landlords, go by the internet provider office, grab some more necessities at the store, and pay security deposit for power to be put in my name. Such fun I tell ya.

    The shopping really reiterated that my brain is faulty. Yesterday, I was surprised at the chill and wind IN THE ARCTIC (and it wasn't actually cold at all by Arctic standards). Today, I was surprised by the prices in stores IN THE ARCTIC. Despite reading and being aware of the prices, it's still a shock. It's as if all three things that I fight against most in my life have coalesced in one place here: the Cold, the Dust, the Cost. Anyone who knows me knows that paying $28 for a 12-pack of Coke is gonna be the death of me. Anyone wanna send my frugal butt a Soda Stream??!! lolol.

    Getting the internet was a cute little story. I am beginning to see how traveling has really made this move a bit easier and hopefully continues to help me settle in and cope. Long-term, I'm not sure how things will go because when I've traveled, it's only been for at most, a few months at a time. So back to the internet. I had done research before moving and had emailed the company representative here in Igloolik twice before arriving. I got no replies. Today, I asked the housing folks doing my tenant walk-through where the internet place was. They told me, "it's not far, just past 3 way stop, it's up by RCMP and near Northern store in a dark blue building that looks like a house" (there are no street names signed here---don't know if they exist and just aren't signed or whether there are no street names in general). I don't know why I think I can find this place, but I figure I can. I do. It is blue and looks like a house. Plus, you know, it had a sign. Helpful. I walk in and ask about internet. The lady tells me the price. She tells me the monthly is $84. I say I read online that it's $80--what is the $4? She says completely deadpan and apologetically, "I don't know." I say, "is it tax?" "I don't know", comes the reply followed by, "are you going to buy?" Yep, yep I am. So, she gets the modem, no talking, no chit chat, no explanation, and starts setting it up. She logs in and creates an account, prints an invoice (which, even from across the desk, I can clearly see that $4/mo for the $80 subscription fee is labeled as taxes), and tells me I'm ready to go. The end. Yep, definitely like being in a foreign country. Ummmm....I just go home and plug this in?? Yall don't need to come set it up?? Where is my bill sent?? When is my bill due?? You know, just that other, useless stuff related to internet service provision. lolol. And, just like traveling, if you just go with it, it will work on out...
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