• Day 2

    Before I leave

    February 9, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ -4 °C


    I leave tomorrow on my newest adventure.  I will be traveling for a wonderful 19 days in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.  Welcome back to all of my past readers and a new welcome to the new friends I have met in the last year.

    To catch everyone up the past year and a half have been amazing.  When I left you I was just returning from 2.5 months in Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Central America.  I was still a bit lost in life and unsure of what would be next.  On my trip I was pretty sure I was going to come home, pack up my house, sell everything I own and move back to Asia.  It turns out I now just sell other peoples home.

    When I got home I spent 4 months as a consultant performing sales training's for Freight Brokers at a few companies in OH.  It was a great opportunity but I must say Ohio topography reminds me of Cambodia.  Or maybe Cambodia reminded me of OH due to the fact I had been to OH many years before Cambodia.  

    After my last trip I was increasingly having back problems.  It turns out carrying a 45 pound back pack on my back and a day pack on my front that weighed similar did some damage.  I ended up with a herniated disc with surgery exactly a year ago today.  Thank goodness for an amazing surgeon and even better chiropractor I am back to normal.

    As I was healing I decided what was next in my life.  I was able to take classes online to become a licensed Real Estate Agent.  I started with the brokerage in March with more training and started selling at the end of April.  I had a great first year meeting so many incredible people.  From clients to brokers, agents trainers and new mentors.  Thank you I am so grateful for everyone who has helped me.

    Now that you are all caught up I am excited to share my newest adventure with you.  After a brutal MI winter I am excited to escape the snow.  The weather will range anywhere from 45 to 90 degrees in Buenos Aires Argentina. Below is a link to my tour.  Check it out to see the amazing things I will be seeing. 


    Here are the answers to afew of the questions I normally get before trips:

    How do I choose my next trip?

         Many trips come from my sister Amy.  She finds pictures of cool places online and shares them with me.  For this one she shared a picture of the Salt Flats in Bolivia.  Google it and you will see why it spoke to me. After finding a main stop I search for a tour and build it from there.

    Isn't traveling alone scary?

         When I first started traveling alone it was a little scary but now I really love it.  My first trip by myself was when I was 22, it is hard to believe that was 16 almost 17 years ago.  In traveling alone I try to do it very smartly.  I book tours because it is the safest, easiest and friendliest way to travel.  The joy of the tour is they take care of all the details.  They book hotels/hostels, trains, planes and automobiles, and give suggestions of fun things to do in an area.  I also have the opportunity to travel with and meet amazing people with a similar world view as me.  Last Christmas I received Christmas messages from multiple countries and 4 continents.   I love having amazing friends from all over that I have met through my trips.

    How do I pack for many climates?

         This one has taken practice over many trips.  I use to be the girl whose suitcase was always at that top 50 pounds allowed by airlines.  I am proud to say my suit case for this trip is under 30 lbs.  It is a mix of packing the right clothes that can be used multiple ways, buying lightweight clothes, and doing laundry along the way.  

    How many languages do I speak and do I speak the languages of the places I go?

         I took French in high school, but that is over 20 years ago, so the only language I speak is English.  I tried to learn Spanish before this trip, but didn't end up committing to it.  It was more fun to practice my Ukulele, another new hobby I picked up in the last year.  In not speaking the languages of where I go, non verbal communication becomes very important.  Smiles and respect go along way in asking for directions, asking for help or in negotiating.  I use this as a part of my introduction as a Realtor to new clients.  I think the many travel experiences I have had make me a better sales person and better able to communicate with my clients. 

    Why do I travel outside of the States when there is so much to see here?

          First I totally agree with this statement.  In all my travels I still marvel at how beautiful our county is and how much there is to see.  As a kid my parents also saw this and took us all over the place.  We drove an RV to Yellowstone, cruise to Alaska and road trips out east.  I have been to 45 states.  In addition traveling alone it is cheaper and easier to travel to other countries.  In Asia I can live on less than $35 per day where as in the US that would not even cover gas for a day.  In addition this world is so big and there is so much to see.  I have many people ask what is on my list to travel to next.  My answer is EVERYWHERE! 

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for the amazing feedback from my last trip.  So many people told me they felt like they were traveling with me.  It is my pleasure and I look forward to taking you along again my my newest adventure.  Next stop Bolivia.

    -- Jodi 
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  • Day 1

    Before I leave

    February 8, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ -9 °C


    I leave tomorrow on my newest adventure. I will be traveling for a wonderful 19 days in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Welcome back to all of my past readers and a new welcome to the new friends I have met in the last year.
    To catch everyone up the past year and a half have been amazing. When I left you I was just returning from 2.5 months in Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Central America. I was still a bit lost in life and unsure of what would be next. On my trip I was pretty sure I was going to come home, pack up my house, sell everything I own and move back to Asia. It turns out I now just sell other peoples home.
    When I got home I spent 4 months as a consultant performing sales training's for Freight Brokers at a few companies in OH. It was a great opportunity but I must say Ohio topography reminds me of Cambodia. Or maybe Cambodia reminded me of OH due to the fact I had been to OH many years before Cambodia.
    After my last trip I was increasingly having back problems. It turns out carrying a 45 pound back pack on my back and a day pack on my front that weighed similar did some damage. I ended up with a herniated disc with surgery exactly a year ago today. Thank goodness for an amazing surgeon and even better chiropractor I am back to normal.
    As I was healing I decided what was next in my life. I was able to take classes online to become a licensed Real Estate Agent. I started with the brokerage in March with more training and started selling at the end of April. I had a great first year meeting so many incredible people. From clients to brokers, agents trainers and new mentors. Thank you I am so grateful for everyone who has helped me.
    Now that you are all caught up I am excited to share my newest adventure with you. After a brutal MI winter I am excited to escape the snow. The weather will range anywhere from 45 to 90 degrees in Buenos Aires Argentina. Below is a link to my tour. Check it out to see the amazing things I will be seeing.
    Here are the answers to afew of the questions I normally get before trips:
    How do I choose my next trip?
    Many trips come from my sister Amy. She finds pictures of cool places online and shares them with me. For this one she shared a picture of the Salt Flats in Bolivia. Google it and you will see why it spoke to me. After finding a main stop I search for a tour and build it from there.
    Isn't traveling alone scary?
    When I first started traveling alone it was a little scary but now I really love it. My first trip by myself was when I was 22, it is hard to believe that was 16 almost 17 years ago. In traveling alone I try to do it very smartly. I book tours because it is the safest, easiest and friendliest way to travel. The joy of the tour is they take care of all the details. They book hotels/hostels, trains, planes and automobiles, and give suggestions of fun things to do in an area. I also have the opportunity to travel with and meet amazing people with a similar world view as me. Last Christmas I received Christmas messages from multiple countries and 4 continents. I love having amazing friends from all over that I have met through my trips.
    How do I pack for many climates?
    This one has taken practice over many trips. I use to be the girl whose suitcase was always at that top 50 pounds allowed by airlines. I am proud to say my suit case for this trip is under 30 lbs. It is a mix of packing the right clothes that can be used multiple ways, buying lightweight clothes, and doing laundry along the way.
    How many languages do I speak and do I speak the languages of the places I go?
    I took French in high school, but that is over 20 years ago, so the only language I speak is English. I tried to learn Spanish before this trip, but didn't end up committing to it. It was more fun to practice my Ukulele, another new hobby I picked up in the last year. In not speaking the languages of where I go, non verbal communication becomes very important. Smiles and respect go along way in asking for directions, asking for help or in negotiating. I use this as a part of my introduction as a Realtor to new clients. I think the many travel experiences I have had make me a better sales person and better able to communicate with my clients.
    Why do I travel outside of the States when there is so much to see here?
    First I totally agree with this statement. In all my travels I still marvel at how beautiful our county is and how much there is to see. As a kid my parents also saw this and took us all over the place. We drove an RV to Yellowstone, cruise to Alaska and road trips out east. I have been to 45 states. In addition traveling alone it is cheaper and easier to travel to other countries. In Asia I can live on less than $35 per day where as in the US that would not even cover gas for a day. In addition this world is so big and there is so much to see. I have many people ask what is on my list to travel to next. My answer is EVERYWHERE!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for the amazing feedback from my last trip. So many people told me they felt like they were traveling with me. It is my pleasure and I look forward to taking you along again my my newest adventure. Next stop Bolivia.

    -- Jodi
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