  • Día 17

    2nd day in oban

    28 de diciembre de 2018, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    For our full day in Stewart island we hired some electric bikes to get around faster. We first cycled to rakiura track and did the first 20min or so and managed to walk to little river which was a nice beach. We cycled then to ackers point and saw a molly hawk there as well on the rocks. Over the couple of days we 2ere we saw loads of different birds including, kakas, parakeets, tuis and wood pigeons. It had been very hot during the day so we decided to head over to golden bay for a quick dip which was very nice but a bit chilly, the water was incredibly clear. By this point it was almost time to give the bikes back so we headed back to the shes to hand them in. Although we didnt see any kiwis the previous night we decided to go out again and it had been raining which we were told is better for the kiwis so we would be more likely to see them, so we headed out. We headed to the same place as before and almost as soon as we got there we heard an enormous racket as two kiwis thundered through the Bush. I'll be honest I thought it was a dog that was going to burst out and bite me. They sprinted across the path it was quite hard to see them so we justed waited on the track very still. We could hear them eating and scratching around in the Bush. Then they started to come closer to the path and we could see them. We stood very still and quite and they came up onto the path walking slowly and pecked at our shoes for a little while and then they would chase each other off into the Bush and then come back up to us. This happened a few times until they wondered off and we headed back to the hostel pretty spaces out.

    Figure 1: panorama of little river beach
    Figure 2: me infront if the sea
    Figure 3: the kiwi (turn up the brightness)
    Figure 4: horseshoe bay
    Figure 5: golden bay
    Figure 6: oban
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