  • Tag 51

    Password Pain

    18. Oktober 2017 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Now I know this issue is not just something I experience but it’s forming a life of its own and I need group support!


    Yes those small little digital lines of text that are designed to keep all your money and information safe and secure from those who want to steal it from you. Seems rather noble on the surface but to me this issue has become so present I feel like it has moved in and started drinking my beer from the fridge!!!

    Most of us on a daily basis login to our bank accounts, email, social networking, work computers and home laptops and unless you are super lucky to have the magic software that just remembers the last time you entered the password you will be asked to enter a combination of somewhere between 6 and 8 upper case, lower case, numerical and symbol characters. Now I don’t know about you, and perhaps the amount of big nights I have had over the years are catching up with me, but I have lost control over this. I can’t remember from one day to the next what I put in there, even if it’s only the next day after I have bought a pair of shoes from the site that needs a password and paid for them using my encrypted PayPal account. There are some software programs out there that help but my iPad doesn’t talk to my Android phone or pass the message down the line to my Mac Air who certainly isn’t going to share with my HP.

    So I have done what comes naturally and tried to create some form of logic to apply so I don’t forget it. But logic lets me down. Each company who insists I am better off entering a password has a different requirement. It would be far too logical for them to standardise the requirement or even more logical for them to give you a hint around the order they wanted things in when you set up the account in the first place.

    I know internet fraud is a thing. But seriously this is a thinger thing than that. I want a password amnesty and I want it now. Say no to passwords. What would happen then??? Would our money really get stolen?? Is this just the culture of fear taking over, are we terrified by digital terrorism?

    So digital service providers, hear my plea. PLEASE bring in iris technology and do it soon because I am about to poke my own damn eyes out which of course would leave me high and dry in the future.

    Until then I am going to stuff $50 notes into the lounge like the good old days. I won’t be able to pay my bills online so when the debt collector arrives, I will just pull out a wad and send him or her on their merry way. I am done with single sign on that is anything but that, so I am taking the road less travelled, single sign off.

    Nanoo Nanoo.