Mac - Disember 2018
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    Club Mitt

    7 Mac 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Anyone who has ever bought their first home will understand the deep connection you have to the house. It’s not just real estate. 9 Mittagong Street, Enoggera or “Club Mitt”, was my actually our first home. I was working for YHA the housing market hadn’t yet boomed and we were on minimum wages. We had arrived back from living in London wanting to get on with life and buy a house so we saved the deposit and after many many ok another many, inspections we fell in love with 9 Mittagong St. For the first 7 years it was all about improving the house, making a dent in the mortgage and just setting up the future.

    Latte was our first pet, Bacci the cat lasted a few days then went back, Shiraz the red fighting fish died in our hands and I arrived home one day from work to a second cockatiel, Benedict. It was also where I fell head over heels for a crazy little rescue dog called Ruby who was prompted renamed Molly. As a young dog she used to run around the perimeter of the backyard so often she wore a track in the grass. It’s probably never grown back the same. Latte outlived them all and I am pleased to say, is still very much the happy chirpy little bird she always was.

    Many friends and family events took place in that house over the years as well. We had heartbroken friends join us with their dogs when their relationships ended, friends from the opposite side of the world or interstate come and stay, a friend who came to house sit and stayed 18 months and family, lots of family. Some of which are no longer with us, many who are. And countless parties.

    Our late 20’s to late 30’s were spent at Club Mitt. Despite the often boozy (very boozy) parties I still remember some funny things. No names have been included to protect the innocent, but you know who you are.....

    There was the great rum gargle competition of Christmas circa, 2002?, the inflatable swimming pool that I may or may not have attempted to swan dive into, Happy Birthday Mr PPP President with associated props, cracking out the musical instruments and jamming like we believed were actually good, the 80’s music that made the police dance at our door when they had to investigate a complaint, and on some occasions me “choosing” to sleep under the stars or on the deck next to Molly. Funny how I usually went to bed in the great outdoors with little comfort yet always woke up with a pillow a blanket and a bucket. The dog box usually turned out to be quite luxurious.

    Last week I closed the door on Club Mitt. It was a sad day but my memories remain happy and I am smiling as I write this.

    For those who have reached this part of the blog, I can only assume you have been or are now jealous as hell not to have been to Club Mitt. I would love to hear the memories from other people of their time there. I may have missed something in the haze ..

    Here’s cheers and thanks, it was the best first home a girl could ever wish for.
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