  • Jour 23

    Day 21 - Tracing the Atlantic

    1 juin 2016, Suède ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    With some Kilometres to make up, we set off and got straight onto the 'Route 1' cycle path. It was a longer route than the direct option, but much more scenic (especially as the direct route was a main road).

    Pretty soon we were on a path running parallel to the west coast, in sight of the Atlantic for the first time since leaving Alta. The route was picturesque - winding through farmland, past windmills and across exposed coastland. With so much pleasant distraction, the first 40km went by fairly quickly.

    Our stop at Varberg was no less impressive, as the town is beautiful - with a striking coastline and some great green spaces, all linked by pedestrian cycle paths that were impressive even by Swedish standards.

    We left Varberg via coastal path that passed alongside golden beaches dotted with sunbathers before breaking off into countryside once again. Today has been a day when we have seen a definite shift in the number of cyclists. Leading up to Varberg, and in the city itself, we saw my cycle tourers (and more Ortlieb pannier bags) than we have all through the holiday, and there were plenty of local cyclists as well. One even rode alongside me, engaging in casual conversation before cutting off on his own path 8km outside of town.

    Now we are at our campsite and, like many before them, we had some difficulty arranging camp (because of the low season limitations) and have found the facilities severely lacking (no kettle, dish detergent or dish cleaning cloths). But we can struggle on with our own camping crockery, and it doesn't do.much to dampen another great day.
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