  • Dag 44

    Entering Castle Bran

    8 juni 2022, RumĂ€nien ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

    This was a highlight of Romania for me! Although it's not actually Vlad Tepes' castle 🏰, Bran Castle is the fortress that inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula...and boy, do they hype up the connection.

    Tour books will tell you to ignore the huge village of souvenir shops selling cheap vampire tchotchkes. However, I specifically wanted cheap vampire tchotchkes, so we had to check them out.

    I got a Dracula Tshirt, Castle Bran pin, and a Vlad Tepes' spoon rest. Yes, I said spoon rest. Yes, it's going in my kitchen.

    The real bat encased in resin was tempting, as was a vampire stein. Good thing we're packing light so I had to opt out.


    Perched on a rugged hilltop in the heart of Transylvania, Castle Bran is the stuff of legends. With its dramatic turrets and mysterious atmosphere, it's no wonder that this fortress is often associated with the iconic Dracula tale. As you step inside, you'll uncover a fascinating history that stretches back to the 14th century. The castle's rooms are filled with an eclectic mix of medieval artifacts, furniture, and artwork, transporting you to a bygone era. From its narrow staircases to its secret passages, Castle Bran offers an intriguing glimpse into the past. But beyond its mythical connections, the castle boasts breathtaking views of the surrounding Carpathian Mountains, providing a picturesque backdrop for your exploration. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a Dracula aficionado, or simply in search of an adventure, a visit to Castle Bran is an essential part of any Transylvanian itinerary. So, grab your courage, cross the threshold, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Castle Bran.
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