  • Dag 66

    Volta Region

    2. december 2009, Ghana ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Howdy People!

    I've not wrote in a bit, but my latest trip was to the Volta region last weekend. Here I got to spend my weekend visiting some fantastic water falls! I went there with another volunteer staying in my little Village but she works at the Children’s home so I don’t see her that often. We was supposed to meet all the other volunteers when we arrived at Hohoe but due to very poor reception we could not get hold of them! The first night this turned into a bit of a nightmare as we arrived very late and we could not contact them. There were some funerals in the town that weekend which meant all the hotels/hostels were fully booked!! We walked miles that night trying to find a room! Eeee well we found one in the end when one hotel owner took pity on us and cleared out a staff dorm for us!

    We never actually met up with the others when we was there so we made our own plans so me and Nora (other volunteer) visited the Wli Falls - the highest waterfall in Ghana followed by a monkey sanctuary where we got to feed the monkeys with our hands! This was pretty cool =].

    The Sunday we visited another waterfall the Boti Falls and at the same site there was some caves, a 3 in 1 palm tree and also an umbrella rock... This was probs the hardest walk/climb/scramble/faff I have ever done, I was pretty much rock climbing in flip flops! Then Monday we came back. This trip was OK but pretty boring but I think it was due to Nora just complaining all the time about anything haha and there just being the two of us!
    Last week at school, the schools football team had a match with one of the other schools in a nearby town. This was good fun to watch and go and see! How they played in such heat I do not know, anyways we won so was the first victory for the newly established school team! This week I have been writing exams for the end of term this was a blag but had to be done. Eeee well.

    Anyways my times running out, I'm going to Krokobete (or summat) this weekend for the send off of a few of the volunteers as its their last weekend in Ghana! Boy times gone sooo fast out here! So Friday night we are going clubbing in Accra, and Sat night clubbing in Krokobete and during the day doing naff all but chill on the beach (that’s if its not full of shit like cape coast's where!).

    I'm home in 3 weeks and can't wait to see everybody again!!

    love me xxxxxx
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