  • Dzień 8

    P for Poo and Playaaaa

    13 września 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    This morning when I woke up I looked outside, clear sky and the sun was shining..... Change of plans...... No walking ..... But a beach day!

    So I walked about half an hour from the albergue in Llanes, to the Albergue in Poo de Llanes. Such a nice place, nice hospitalero and close to a beautiful beach. This is my stop for today, I am writing this while sitting on playa de POO, surrounded by Germans, who all speak german....... No spanish ...... So I am their translator.... 😁😁😁

    Yesterday when I arrived at the albergue in Llanes, a german girl I had met in the albergue in Serdio, was at the reception and she was so happy to see me, because her ankle was really hurting and she had already gone to the doctor but they told her she had to go to the hospital to have a picture taken of er ankle to see if anything was broken. The hospital was at 50 km away from here and she had to take a bus. Communication with the hospitalera wasn't really going well, because she doesn't speak spanish and the hospitalera doesn't speak english. In comes the translator......... Me!

    Turns out there is a private clinic about 5 minutes from the albergue where a photo could be taken of her ankle, so no need to go to the hospital. I offered to go with her to translate, and she said GRAAG 😁.

    Turns out nothing is broken, but she just overdid it. This girl walked 250 km in 11 days 😳. So the doctor told her she needs to rest a week. He said that she was already the 2nd german he had seen this week, but that the first one could not continue, so she should take it really easy so it doesn't happen to her too. Let's hope she follows his advice.

    After the doctor's visit We went back to the albergue and I could finally take a shower, much needed cause I had walked more than 20 km yesterday. The albergue in Llanes was nice, good bed and I slept well.

    My walk yesterday was beautiful, I walked the ruta de la costa and also came by the bufones de arrenillas (I think it was called). Wow, gewoon geweldig! Please look at picture if you don't know what a Bufon is or look it up😁

    When I finally arrived in Llanes, I was mesmerized by the beautiful buildings, again look at picture to know what I am talking about 😁

    All in all a good day, as is today 😁😁😁
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