
maart 2023
Anuradhapura has been a journey through time, a place where history whispers through the rustling leaves and ancient stones. The spirituality, the grandeur, and the simple beauty of everyday life have left me humbled and inspired. Meer informatie
  • 13Footprints
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  • 538kilometer
  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    A Journey Back in Time

    The alarm's gentle chime at 5 AM signaled the beginning of our long-awaited adventure. With a sense of eager anticipation, my husband and I prepared to depart from Kandy. The first rays of the sun had yet to grace the horizon as we boarded the bus at 6 AM, our excitement palpable in the crisp morning air. The journey ahead was to be a special one, a voyage through history and spirituality, shared only between us. As the bus rumbled to life, we exchanged smiles, knowing that the ancient city of Anuradhapura awaited, ready to unveil its wonders to our eager hearts.

    Around 9:30 AM, we arrived in Anuradhapura's new town, the vibrant energy of the city immediately enveloping us. Stepping off the bus, we were greeted by the lively hustle and bustle of this historic place. With a spring in our step, we decided to take a leisurely walk to our chosen hotel for the day. The journey on foot allowed us to soak in the sights and sounds of this new environment, immersing ourselves in the ambiance of Anuradhapura.

    The hotel, a sanctuary of comfort and elegance, welcomed us with open arms. The staff's warm hospitality made us feel instantly at home. From the moment we stepped through the doors, we knew this would be a stay to remember.

    After a refreshing wash and a change of clothes, we were ready to embark on the next leg of our adventure. Opting for a bike rental, we envisioned the wind in our hair and the freedom of the open road. It was to be our trusty steed for exploring the ancient wonders that awaited us. With helmets secured and a sense of shared excitement, we set off, ready to make our own path through the rich history of Anuradhapura.

    Our first stop was the Dammachethiya Meditation Center. This remarkable place, though still under construction, exuded an aura of serenity and promise. Surrounded by nature's embrace, the center stood as a testament to the enduring pursuit of inner peace. We walked its grounds, feeling the energy and potential that permeated the air. It was a fitting start to our journey, a gentle reminder of the profound spiritual legacy that Anuradhapura held within its ancient walls.
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  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Mirisawetiya Vihara: A Sacred Sanctuary of Serenity

    Next, we made our way to the Mirisawatiya Vihara, a sacred site steeped in history and reverence. As we approached, the majestic stupa rose before us, its white dome gleaming in the sunlight. Surrounding it, a tranquil pool mirrored the sky, creating a serene atmosphere that invited contemplation. The vihara's intricate stone carvings and ornate architecture were a testament to the craftsmanship of ancient Sri Lankan artisans. We walked around the stupa in quiet awe, offering our own silent prayers in this hallowed place. The sense of spiritual connection was palpable, and we left with hearts filled with gratitude for having witnessed such a sacred site.

    **Mirisawetiya Vihara: A Sacred Sanctuary of Serenity**

    Nestled amidst the ancient city of Anuradhapura, Mirisawetiya Vihara stands as a testament to both architectural grandeur and spiritual significance. This hallowed site, steeped in history and revered by pilgrims and scholars alike, embodies the essence of Sri Lanka's rich cultural heritage.

    As we approached the vihara, a palpable sense of reverence blanketed the surroundings. The stupa, its alabaster-white dome rising majestically against the azure sky, commanded attention. Its flawless surface seemed to reflect the very heavens it sought to reach. Carved reliefs adorned the stupa's base, telling stories of devotion and ancient wisdom, a testament to the skill and artistry of the craftsmen of old.

    A tranquil pool, its waters as still as time itself, encircled the stupa. Its surface mirrored the ethereal beauty of the sky, creating a sense of seamless unity between earth and heaven. The gentle ripples, stirred only by the occasional breeze, whispered secrets of centuries past.

    The atmosphere surrounding Mirisawetiya Vihara was one of serene contemplation. The air seemed charged with an ineffable energy, a palpable presence that beckoned us to pause and reflect. The symphony of nature's sounds—the rustling leaves, the distant birdsong—blended harmoniously with the quiet murmur of pilgrims' prayers.

    Stone pathways led us around the stupa, each step echoing with the weight of history. We felt a profound connection to the spiritual legacy of this sacred place. It was as though the very earth beneath our feet held the imprints of countless souls who had come before, seeking solace and enlightenment.

    As we walked, we offered our own silent prayers, a humble tribute to the centuries of devotion that had sanctified this ground. The scent of incense lingered in the air, a fragrant reminder of the reverence that infused every corner of the vihara.

    Mirisawetiya Vihara, with its elegant simplicity and profound spiritual resonance, left an indelible mark on our hearts. It was a sanctuary of serenity, a place where time seemed to stand still, allowing us to glimpse into the eternal. We departed with a deep sense of gratitude, carrying with us the essence of this sacred site—a reminder that within the whispers of history, we find the echoes of our own souls.
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  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Thuparamaya: A Sacred Sentinel of Centuries Past

    Our journey led us to the hallowed grounds of Thuparamaya, an ancient dagoba that stood as a sentinel of time, whispering secrets of a bygone era. As we approached, a profound sense of awe washed over us, for this sacred site was steeped in the weight of antiquity.

    The dagoba's form rose from the earth with an air of majestic simplicity. Its towering spire, weathered by centuries of wind and rain, seemed to reach towards the heavens in silent supplication. The bricks, meticulously laid by ancient hands, bore the marks of their creators, a testament to the craftsmanship of a forgotten era. Each brick seemed to hold within it the echoes of those who had toiled to give rise to this sacred edifice.

    As we circled the dagoba, the atmosphere was laden with a tangible sense of reverence. The cool stones beneath our feet seemed to vibrate with the energy of centuries, as if they were the very bones of history. Carved reliefs adorned the outer walls, their intricate details telling stories of devotion and spiritual fervor. The delicacy of the carvings, despite the passage of time, spoke of the skilled artisans who had poured their hearts into this sacred creation.

    A stillness hung in the air, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. It was as if the very earth held its breath in deference to the ancient sanctity of this place. Birds flitted among the trees, their songs a melodic backdrop to our silent contemplation.

    As we offered our prayers, we felt a deep connection to the generations of devotees who had stood on this hallowed ground before us. The scent of incense lingered, a fragrant tribute to the countless souls who had sought solace and enlightenment within these sacred walls.

    Thuparamaya stood as a silent testament to the enduring power of spiritual devotion. It was a place where the boundaries of time seemed to blur, allowing us to glimpse into the depths of history itself. We left with hearts filled with a profound sense of gratitude for having been granted the privilege of experiencing this sacred site—a reminder that within the ancient stones, the echoes of centuries past still resonated, waiting to be heard by those who listened with open hearts.
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  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Jethawanaramaya: The Colossal Testament to Ancient Grandeur

    Our journey through Anuradhapura's sacred sites led us to the awe-inspiring Jethawanaramaya, a monumental dagoba that stood as a colossal testament to the grandeur of ancient Sri Lankan architecture and devotion. As we approached, the sheer scale of the edifice was nothing short of staggering.

    Rising into the sky with a majestic authority, the dagoba's enormity seemed to defy both time and logic. The bricks, meticulously placed by skilled artisans of old, formed a mosaic of ancient craftsmanship. Each brick bore the weight of centuries, a tangible connection to the hands that had shaped them. The sheer volume of material used in its construction spoke volumes about the scale of ambition that had driven its creation.

    As we circumambulated the dagoba's base, we were met with a wealth of intricately carved stone reliefs. These etchings depicted scenes from the life of the Buddha, capturing moments of enlightenment and spiritual revelation. The level of detail in the carvings was a testament to the artistry and devotion of the craftsmen who had labored over them.

    The atmosphere around Jethawanaramaya was one of profound reverence. The air seemed to vibrate with a quiet energy, a testament to the spiritual legacy that permeated the site. Birds flitted about, their presence adding a touch of life to the ancient stones. It was as if they, too, recognized the sanctity of this hallowed ground.

    As we ascended the terraced levels of the dagoba, the panoramic view that greeted us was nothing short of breathtaking. From this vantage point, we could see the sprawling expanse of the ancient city, its ruins a testament to the passage of time. We felt as though we were standing at the crossroads of history, where the echoes of the past reverberated through the present.

    Offering our prayers, we couldn't help but feel a profound sense of humility in the face of Jethawanaramaya's colossal presence. It was a site that transcended the boundaries of time, reminding us of the enduring power of faith and human endeavor.

    As we descended from the heights of the dagoba, we carried with us a deeper appreciation for the ancient civilization that had left its mark on this sacred land. Jethawanaramaya stood as a silent sentinel, a monument to the aspirations and devotion of a bygone era. It was a place where the threads of history converged, inviting us to reflect on the timeless nature of human spirit and the enduring legacy of Anuradhapura.
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  • Dag 1

    Kuttam pokuna

    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    **Kuttampokuna: The Majestic Twin Ponds**

    Our journey through the ancient city of Anuradhapura led us to the tranquil oasis of Kuttampokuna, a testament to the engineering marvels of a bygone era. As we approached, the sight of the twin ponds nestled amidst the serene surroundings was a vision of both architectural precision and natural beauty.

    The larger pond, with its immaculately constructed stone walls, stretched out like a mirror reflecting the cerulean sky above. The water's surface was so clear that it seemed to merge seamlessly with the heavens, creating a sense of infinite expanse. Lotus blooms, their delicate petals floating atop the water, added a touch of vibrant color to the tranquil scene.

    The smaller pond, though not quite as expansive, held an air of intimate charm. Its stone steps led down to the water's edge, inviting contemplation and quiet reflection. The symmetry between the two ponds was a testament to the ancient architects' meticulous craftsmanship, ensuring that every aspect of Kuttampokuna was perfectly balanced.

    As we strolled along the edges of the ponds, the whispers of history seemed to echo in the stillness. It was easy to imagine the residents of ancient Anuradhapura coming here to seek respite from the bustling city, finding solace in the cool embrace of these sacred waters.

    Nearby, we found a shaded spot beneath the canopy of a banyan tree, where we settled down to indulge in slices of succulent watermelon. The fruit, its juices cool and refreshing, provided a delightful contrast to the warm embrace of the day. As we savored each bite, we couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures that this journey had bestowed upon us.

    Kuttampokuna, with its harmonious blend of nature and human ingenuity, left an indelible mark on our hearts. It was a place where the elements of earth, water, and sky converged, inviting us to find serenity in their delicate dance. As we bid farewell to this tranquil oasis, we carried with us a deeper appreciation for the timeless beauty and wisdom that Anuradhapura held within its ancient walls.
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  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    **Abhayagiriya: A Sanctuary of Spiritual Grandeur**

    Our journey through the ancient city of Anuradhapura led us to the awe-inspiring Abhayagiriya, a complex of monastic ruins that stood as a testament to the spiritual and architectural prowess of ancient Sri Lanka. As we approached, the sprawling site unfolded before us, revealing its intricate network of structures and the towering stupa that dominated the landscape.

    The stupa, with its colossal presence, soared into the sky, a mammoth edifice of ancient engineering. Its dome, once gilded and resplendent, now bore the marks of time, its reddish hue a testimony to the centuries that had passed since its creation. The surrounding courtyard was a labyrinth of stone pillars and remnants of monastic dwellings, a silent reminder of the vibrant community that had once thrived here.

    As we entered the complex, we were met with an array of intricately carved stone pillars. Each pillar seemed to tell a story, their engravings depicting scenes from the life of the Buddha and various facets of ancient life. The level of detail in the carvings was staggering, a testament to the artistic mastery of the craftsmen who had adorned them.

    The atmosphere within Abhayagiriya was one of reverent stillness. The air seemed imbued with a quiet energy, as if the very stones held the memories of the countless monks and devotees who had walked these hallowed grounds. Birds flitted among the ruins, their presence adding a touch of life to the ancient stones.

    We climbed to the upper terraces, where a panoramic view of the complex and the surrounding landscape unfolded before us. From this elevated vantage point, we could appreciate the sheer scale of Abhayagiriya, a sprawling testament to the spiritual vitality of the ancient city.

    As we explored further, we marveled at the remnants of the monastic cells, their layout and design offering glimpses into the daily lives of the monks who once called this place home. It was easy to envision the scholarly pursuits and meditative practices that had taken place within these walls.

    Abhayagiriya, with its monumental stupa and sprawling ruins, left us in a state of awe and contemplation. It was a place where the echoes of ancient devotion still reverberated through the ages. As we departed, we carried with us a deep appreciation for the spiritual and architectural legacy that Abhayagiriya represented, a testament to the enduring power of faith and human endeavor.
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  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    After our enriching visit to Abhayagiriya, we set out to satisfy our appetites with a hearty lunch, savoring the flavors of Sri Lankan cuisine. With renewed energy, we embarked on the next leg of our journey, eager to discover more of Anuradhapura's hidden treasures.

    Our next destination was Muragala, a site known for its ancient stone statues. As we approached, the imposing figures came into view, standing sentinel against the backdrop of time. The intricacy of the carvings and the sheer size of the statues left us in awe. They seemed to exude a sense of ancient wisdom, their weathered surfaces bearing witness to countless generations that had passed in their presence.

    The Sandakada Pahana, or moonstone, was our next stop. This beautifully carved semicircular stone greeted us with its intricate patterns, each ring telling a story of ancient cosmology and spiritual significance. The layers of symbolism in the moonstone spoke of a culture deeply connected to the natural world and the pursuit of enlightenment.

    As we stood before these ancient relics, we couldn't help but be humbled by the profound legacy they represented. The craftsmanship and artistry of those who had sculpted these stones spoke volumes about the dedication and skill of the ancient craftsmen.

    The day was beginning to wane, and as the sun cast long shadows over the ancient city, we felt a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to have walked in the footsteps of those who had come before us. Anuradhapura had revealed its treasures to us in all their splendor, and we carried with us the echoes of centuries past, etched into the very stones and statues that stood as guardians of history.

    With hearts full of reverence and wonder, we made our way back to our hotel, ready to rest and reflect on the extraordinary day of exploration that awaited us in the morrow. Anuradhapura had gifted us a profound journey through time, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.

    Samadhi Pilimaya: A Sanctuary of Inner Peace

    Our day of exploration in Anuradhapura culminated in a visit to the sacred Samadhi Pilimaya, a place of deep contemplation and spiritual resonance. As we approached this hallowed sanctuary, a sense of serenity enveloped us, inviting us to leave behind the cares of the world and immerse ourselves in a realm of inner peace.

    The stupa, though smaller in scale compared to some of the grandeur we had encountered earlier, exuded an aura of quiet majesty. Its white dome seemed to glow softly in the fading light of day, casting a gentle and inviting glow. The simplicity of its design was a testament to the purity of purpose that it represented.

    The surrounding courtyard, meticulously maintained, provided a sacred space for devotees to offer their prayers and reflections. Stone pathways led us around the stupa, inviting us to circumambulate in a ritual of reverence. The atmosphere was one of profound stillness, a sanctuary for the mind to find solace and tranquility.

    As we approached the stupa, we noticed the intricate stone carvings that adorned its base. Delicate lotus patterns and symbolic motifs spoke of a deeper spiritual language, inviting us to contemplate the profound teachings that lay at the heart of this sacred site.

    We sat in quiet contemplation, allowing the energy of Samadhi Pilimaya to wash over us. The sounds of nature, the rustling leaves and distant birdsong, seemed to harmonize with the stillness of the evening air. It was a place where time seemed to slow, allowing us to turn our gaze inward and connect with the deeper currents of our own consciousness.

    Samadhi Pilimaya was a sanctuary of inner peace, a space where the external world faded away, leaving only the quiet presence of the present moment. As we offered our own silent prayers, we felt a profound sense of gratitude for having been granted the opportunity to experience this sacred site.

    As the last rays of sunlight danced on the horizon, we left Samadhi Pilimaya with hearts full of reverence and a renewed sense of inner calm. It was a fitting conclusion to our day of exploration in Anuradhapura, a reminder that amidst the grandeur of ancient architecture, it is the inner sanctuary of the heart where true peace is found.
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  • Dag 1

    Basawakkulama Tank

    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    **An Evening of Refreshment at Abhaya Wewa**

    As the day gently transitioned into evening, we made our way to the serene Abhaya Wewa, a tranquil reservoir that promised a refreshing interlude amidst the historical wonders of Anuradhapura. The calm waters of the lake reflected the colors of the setting sun, creating a picturesque scene of tranquility.

    With the day's exploration behind us, the prospect of a leisurely bath in the cool embrace of the lake was inviting. We waded into the water, feeling its gentle ripples wash away the weariness of our adventures. Each ripple seemed to carry away the echoes of footsteps on ancient stones, leaving us with a sense of rejuvenation.

    As we bathed, the sounds of nature serenaded us—the soft rustle of leaves, the distant calls of birds, and the occasional splash of a fish breaking the surface. It was a moment of communion with the natural world, a brief respite from the weight of history.

    After our refreshing dip, we ventured to a nearby shop, drawn by the promise of a local delicacy—belimal. The sweet, herbal drink was a perfect complement to the evening, its flavors both invigorating and soothing. Sipping the cool concoction, we felt a sense of nourishment that extended beyond the physical, as if the essence of the herbs themselves revitalized our spirits.

    The shop, nestled near the shores of Abhaya Wewa, offered a quaint setting to enjoy our refreshing treat. The proprietor's warm smile and the aroma of freshly prepared belimal created a sense of camaraderie with the locals, a shared moment of simple pleasure.

    As the evening sky deepened into shades of indigo, we sat by the lake, our hearts full of gratitude for the experiences of the day. Abhaya Wewa had offered us a moment of respite, a chance to connect with nature and savor the simple joys that this ancient land had to offer.

    With the taste of belimal lingering on our lips and the memory of the serene lake in our hearts, we left Abhaya Wewa, ready to rest and recharge for the adventures that awaited us in the days ahead. Anuradhapura had woven its tapestry of history and natural beauty into our souls, leaving an indelible mark on our journey together.
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  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    **Exploring Isurumuni Rajamaha Viharaya: An Evening of Art and Tranquility**

    As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in warm hues of gold and amber, we ventured to the serene grounds of Isurumuni Rajamaha Viharaya. Nestled amidst the ancient city of Anuradhapura, this sacred site promised an evening of art, history, and profound tranquility.

    As we approached, the ancient stone carvings on the temple's facade greeted us with their intricate details. Each figure seemed to come alive in the soft glow of evening, their expressions conveying a sense of timeless wisdom. It was as though the stone itself held the stories of centuries, waiting to be heard by those who paused to listen.

    Stepping into the temple complex, we were met with a sense of calm that permeated the air. The surrounding foliage created a natural canopy, filtering the fading light and casting gentle shadows upon the ancient stones. Birds flitted about, their songs harmonizing with the quiet rustle of leaves, creating a symphony of nature's own composition.

    The highlight of our visit was the renowned Isurumuniya Lovers, an exquisite bas-relief that adorned a rock shelter within the temple grounds. The scene depicted a loving couple in an eternal embrace, their figures rendered with a level of artistry that seemed to transcend the medium. It was a poignant portrayal of timeless love, a testament to the universality of human emotion across ages.

    As we stood before this masterpiece, we couldn't help but be moved by the artistry and emotional depth it conveyed. The sense of connection to the humanity of centuries past was palpable, and we marveled at the enduring power of artistic expression.

    We lingered in quiet contemplation, allowing the ambiance of Isurumuni Rajamaha Viharaya to envelop us. The fading light cast a soft, ethereal glow over the ancient stones, creating an atmosphere of quiet reverence. It was a moment of reflection, a chance to absorb the beauty and history that surrounded us.

    As the evening deepened, we bid farewell to Isurumuni Rajamaha Viharaya, carrying with us the indelible impression of this sacred site. It had been an evening of art and tranquility, a respite for the soul amidst the grandeur of Anuradhapura. With hearts full of gratitude, we left, knowing that the echoes of this visit would resonate within us for years to come.
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  • Dag 1


    25 maart 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    **A Nighttime Journey to Mihintale: Where Spirituality Meets Serenity**

    As the day gracefully transitioned into night, we embarked on a journey to Mihintale, a sacred mountain steeped in spiritual significance. The journey under the shimmering night sky added an air of mystique to our adventure.

    Arriving at Mihintale, the tranquil ambiance enveloped us. The silhouettes of ancient stupas and monastic structures stood against the backdrop of the night, their outlines etched in soft moonlight. The sacred stillness of the mountain whispered tales of centuries-old devotion.

    We ascended the stone steps, the cool night air carrying with it a sense of quiet reverence. The surroundings were bathed in a silvery glow, casting a serene aura over the ancient complex. Each step felt like a pilgrimage, a journey of both body and spirit.

    Reaching the summit, we were greeted by the grandeur of Mihintale's Great Stupa. Its presence, illuminated by soft light, exuded a sense of timeless wisdom. The expansive view from the summit offered a panorama of the surrounding landscape, a breathtaking reminder of the interconnectedness of all things.

    As we explored the mountain's sacred nooks and crannies, the night seemed to amplify the spiritual energy that permeated Mihintale. The ancient stone inscriptions and meditative spaces held a palpable sense of sanctity, inviting us to pause and reflect.

    With the night deepening, we began our descent, guided by the gentle glow of moonlight and the wisdom of countless pilgrims who had walked these steps before us. The descent was a contemplative journey, a transition from the heights of spiritual reflection to the quietude of the night.

    Approximately at 9 PM, we arrived back at our hotel, carrying with us the profound experiences of the day. The adventures through Anuradhapura and Mihintale had woven a tapestry of history, spirituality, and natural beauty into our hearts. As we settled into our accommodations, we carried with us the echoes of the ancient city and the serene sanctuary of Mihintale, knowing that these experiences would forever shape our memories of this cherished journey together.
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