  • Hari 27

    Puerto Iguazú

    29 April 2017, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Chau Brazil, Ola Argentina!

    Our first border crossing went much smoother than we expected. We had to get a bus to the border and stop with Brazilian customs to get our passport and visa stamped. We then had to wait for the next bus to take us across to Argentina who amazingly stopped and waited for us while we went through customs there!

    After the last 3 months of working with Brazilian reals we now have to get our head around Argentine pesos. My mental arithmetic is certainly improving.

    We arrived at our hostel around 1:30pm which was too late to do the falls so we popped out to grab some lunch and had a quiet afternoon at the hostel trying to work out our route through Argentina. In the evening we went to this cute little cafe called Lemongrass for some dinner which was super cheap and pretty delicious.

    We then got up early the next day and headed to the falls again. The Argentinian side of the falls is a lot bigger than the Brazilian side. There are 3 main trails that we walked around. The first one took us to a spot where you can look down on the Devils Throat (where we had been in Brazil) and then we walked around another trail which took you along the top of the main falls before stopping for a bit of lunch. We decided to eat inside as the park is full of coaties, which are the fluffier, misleadingly cute equivalent of British seagulls. Their main goal in life is to steal your food by any means possible. They can also carry rabies so we wanted to stay as far away from them as possible!

    After lunch we walked along a lower trail around the falls as we booked ourselves into the boat trip that takes you right into the waterfall. The boat trip was amazing! We got completely soaked but it was so much fun! Simon has some cracking go pro footage.

    All in all another fantastic day out seeing the spellbinding falls. The sheer size, power and noise the water makes is hard to put into words. There are also rainbows at every turn which is lush!

    After the long day at the falls we popped to the supermarket to get some quick and easy food for dinner and discovered cheap Argentinian wine! We were joined by a number of other people staying in the hostel and before we knew it, one bottle turned into 3! I am feeling very smug as by some miracle I am feeling fresh. Simon Thatcher however is struggling today and has put himself back to bed in a hammock as we had to check out of our room. As you can imagine, he is also particularly excited about our 16 hour coach journey to Buenos Aires later. The words "I don't think we should go to Mendoza as I am never drinking wine again" have crossed his lips on a couple of occasions this morning already.
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