  • 日62

    Isla del Sol

    2017年6月3日, ボリビア ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    In the middle of Lake Titicaca you can find Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun) so we got up early to catch the boat across to the island to explore. Unfortunately you can only visit the South of the island at the moment as there is a big dispute between the North and the South and the North have but up a big barricade to stop anyone from visiting - rude!

    The boat took around 1 and a half hours to get to the island, of which Simon slept the majority of the way. When we arrived we ventured up the Inca steps and headed to the highest point in the South Island to take in the views. This took rather a long time as it was really steep and we are still at high altitude which makes it even harder. Simon however has turned into a little bit of a hiker and is now loving the walks - who'd have thought it?! The view at the top was amazing so we stopped for a picnic lunch of very dry cheese with sour cream Pringles rolls.

    We had been told that there were some Incan ruins at the most southerly tip of the island so we made that our second stop. The walk there was much easier as it was all downhill however because of this we did keep stopping to ask ourselves whether they would be worth it in anticipation of the walk back up. We persevered though and reached the the Incan hut. You could walk inside through the different rooms which was pretty cool.

    We then headed back to the port to catch the boat back to the mainland. We decided to sit on top of the boat on the way back to take in some of the views. It was quite crowed however a cholita still managed to find room to lay down and take a nap whilst a little boy which I assume was her grandson spent the next hour licking the railings.

    We didn't think much of the food in our hostel the previous evening so we had a look on trip advisor and headed to Restaurant Gourmet ALI for some dinner. I opted for a trout lasagne which came with garlic bread and Simon had Llama fillet with potatoes and veg. Both dishes were delicious! It was some of the tastiest food we have eaten in Bolivia! I may have to try and recreate trout lasagne when I get home. It sounds strange but it was incredible.