  • Dia 48

    "Buy a drink" She said!!

    25 de fevereiro de 2013, Ilhas Virgens Britânicas ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Road Town,Tortola today and we continued our cultural tour of the Caribbean by looking for a cheap local bar, which we initially failed to do.
    The bars we passed were either closed or as in one case to expensive at $3 a beer!!.lol
    So we headed back to the harbour bar which turned out to be even more expensive at $3.50 a beer but it did have WiFi.
    I purchased 4 Carib beers, flippin heck that cost $14!! (I'm sure I'm turning into a Yorkshire man)
    I then says to the girl behind the bar does the WiFi need a password? To which she replies "yes", so I says "what is it?"
    She replies "buy a drink".
    Then me being the complete knob head that I am says "I've just bought one, in fact I've just bought 4".
    She looks at me and I look at her for what seems an eternity.
    She then says "right what did you ask me?" I said "is there a password for the WiFi?"
    She says "yes" once again.
    So I says "what is it? 'please' ", thinking she was being funny because I hadn't said please the first time.
    To which she replied 'buy a drink'.
    I actually opened my mouth to speak when the penny FINALLY dropped 'buyadrink' ......'buyadrink', what a clever password, far to clever for me obviously.....LMFAO
    On the way back to the ship we found a proper local bar doing beers at 2 for $5 and rum punch and something called a pain killer for $5 each, John insisted we tried one after our beers, I had a rum punch and he had a pain killer.
    I can tell you they both killed pain, until the next morning when they then caused pain....will we ever learn?
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