  • Dia 1

    Southampton Port

    16 de fevereiro de 2011, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    First impressions of the ship are good, seems a nice classy ship, people had told me it was a bit tired and needed a refit, but I disagree, its lovely.
    Theatre is nice, if a bit on the small side.
    The bars are good and varied in style.
    Went to the restaurant last night and the food and service could not be faulted.
    Got up early again this morning, to see the
    The ship is rocking quite a bit, and some very big waves are hitting the side.
    Just been for breakfast in the buffet, lt's called the Conservatory on this ship.
    It was quite empty, very easy to get a the rough seas have a good side in this
    Going to have a quiet read somewhere, then there's a "meet & mingle" type thing I'm going to later.
    Btw, the average passenger age on board is quite old, so I'm expecting quite a sedate
    Woo hoo just won my first on board quiz all on my own.
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