Wohnt in: Invercargill, New Zealand Weiterlesen Invercargill, New Zealand
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    10. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    No panic to get up and moving this morning.
    After sorting a few plans decided to go to the aircraft museum at Omaka.
    Very interesting place. Two options WW1 and/or WW2. Might be awhile before I come this way again so opted to do both.
    Peter Jackson has a love of history and planes, it seemed quite evident to me there is a lot of input from him or his team. The "men" were so life like similar to the WW1 exhibition I saw at Te Papa for the 100 year anniversary of WW1.
    I am not sure what I expected but seeing what seemed like paper thin aircraft that actually went in the air and fired guns at other aircraft just blows my mind.
    Tony's (my late husband) father was in the early days of the RAF. So he was very much in my mind.
    I was surprised how many planes and memerobilla from Germany. How they ended up in NZ is beyond me.
    I wonder if the old neighbour, Guenther had relations in the German Air Force.
    It was also commented upon by others looking at the same time about Top Gun. Those pilots from WW1 just couldn't comprehend what is available today.
    I then went on to the WW2 hanger. Thinking about my Dad and the planes, history of his time in the Air Force. Would have loved to have him there to hear about his experiences.
    Sobering too that so many lost their lives. It was estimated that Germany lost over 12 million. Was it 6 million the British lost? They gave the statistics but I don't remember the actual number. What did it achieve?
    I know we didn't learn any lessons and war continues.
    Inside the museum was very dark and I only took one picture and it wasn't too bad so I could have taken more but I didn't know.
    I did buy a book about the museum that I have been reading this afternoon.
    Jack (son)did the Surf to City in Invercargill today and finished in the top 20. Well done Jack.
    I am camped up at the racecourse here in Blenheim. Very windy pleased I am not driving.

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    9. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Life is always interesting. After posted the blog last night got a call from my nephew. He had been working further north and made the effort to pop in and say hi. So chuffed knowing how long a journey they had to get back to Christchurch.
    When it was time for bed, a light had appeared going in the shower. I have no idea where the switch is! Never knew there was one and still don't know how to turn it off.
    I was the first one away this morning from the group of vehicles parked in Kaikoura.
    It was an interesting drive from there to Blenheim. The sea on one side reminded me of Kingston to Frankton but instead of the lake it is sea.
    The paddocks are brown and then you see the green of the grape vines. Seemingly harvest starts tomorrow.
    My first port of call was Sandy who was a postie in Invercargill many moons ago. Enjoyed my short visit with her.
    I managed to get more fuel in a built up area of Blenheim. Great that the fuel gauge is working.
    Next I visited another former postie from Invercargill. Short but a good catch up with Barbara.
    Visiting not over for the day and went to see two former Air Force friends. Lovely to hear about their time in the Air Force and people we knew from those days.
    They have a wonderful garden and generously gave me figs, lemon, apples and a peach.
    It was after 7 when I left and pretty much clicked on a park over property and ended up in Renwick. A lovely truck driver helped me park my camper. It is a pub and he was having a beer. Makes it a lot easier when someone is there to guide you.
    Probably will go on to Nelson tomorrow but it could be Monday - I don't have to make a decision just go with the flow.

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    8. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    I left Christchurch this morning with mixed feelings. Sad to leave my family that had been so good to me, but pleased to be on the road again. Didn't catch up with everyone I wanted too.
    Interesting driving. When you are in the Motorhome Assn we all have "wings" and when travelling it is recommended that you wave to the person when you see a vehicle with wings on their vehicle. Some complain on the motorhome pages they don't get "waves". Today I got loads of waves. Could be that they are easy to see because Winny replaced them on the front of my camper so very easily spotted.
    I do pull over when a few cars are behind me and slow down in the passing lanes so everyone can get past me. We are only allowed to go at 90k. There was a queue of traffic at one stage and I could see a vehicle a few ahead breaking at every corner. Thought they would be tourists and sure enough saw the sticker for a rental car company on the window. I passed them! Think that is the first vehicle I have past other than passing lanes.
    Arrived at Kaikoura around lunch time. Not sure I have ever been before. Maybe as a teenager. I can understand why people would want to come here with the amazing sea views.
    As you know from previous posts I am not very confident at parking. Thankfully Kaikoura is campervan friendly with designated campervan spots and close to the shops but not with a sea view. I had to fed the meter till 5-30pm.
    I had a wander down to the shops and a look around the museum and art gallery.
    Late afternoon put the trainers on and went for a walk. It was a toss up whether to walk or bike. Bit of a wind so walking it was. Saw a train leaving. Would it get into Christchurch around 7?
    I am going to freedom camp this evening. I reckon I just have to be gone by 8-30. I am getting more confident....!!
    On to Blenheim tomorrow.

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    7. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Probably the earliest I have been up and dressed for awhile.
    Sister, Carolyn has been a poppy making volunteer for a long time and I have been with her once before here in Belfast.
    This morning off we went and she cranked up the machine and by the end of our time about 1500 had been made.
    There were two very large boxes of finished poppies. I was able to put them in small boxes - weighing 856 gms - I guess someone had counted say 100 maybe 200 and that is how much they weighed to make it easier. I made up the smaller boxes and put a packets of pins in, then the poppies and after five had been filled Carolyn put tape around them ready to send to RSA's in the next month or so. The target I think 1.5 million or it could have been 2.5 million. Lots!
    We worked well together and the old machine didn't play up too much.
    This afternoon I took my camper for a wash. Very pleased with the service and end result. I won't be able to see the roof until I get home. Three of them worked on it so it was very speedy.
    After that I went and finished my interview with John. He is so easy to listen too and is a bundle of knowledge after almost 96 years on planet earth.
    I will head away tomorrow from Christchurch towards Kaikoura.

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    Poppy Making

    7. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    It was an early start for me this morning. My sister, Carolyn has been a volunteer Poppy maker

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    Camper Back

    6. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    I did manage to sleep well last night in a house bed. Not many other options.
    This morning I txt the camper place so they had my number and didn't have to hunt for it. They have been poor at communicating so I wanted to ensure they didn't have any excuse.
    It was quite early - maybe around 10am they txted to say camper was all good.
    Carolyn took me over around 11-30. The camper was still in the garage and the young chap backed it out for me. I didn't think it would be too difficult but he had a couple of goes so pleased I didn't give it a try.
    The super duper thing I noticed when I started driving back to Carolyn's was the fuel gauge was working!! I did thank the universe!
    I reckon it was a wiring fault and when they fixed the temp gauge the tank was linking and so both are working.
    Will make travelling easier although I will watch it very carefully for the next wee while, just to make sure.
    This afternoon I went to visit my Dad's cousin. John is coming 96 - still of very sound mind even if his body gives him a little strife. John is great to have a conversation with and a couple of hours can go in a flash.
    This afternoon I asked him if he would be happy for me to video him talking about his life. So often I have wanted to do this but this trip I put my money where my mouth is, as the expression goes. No prep and John was great.
    We spent a couple of hours recording John's memories of Orepuki and his life since then. I will return tomorrow and get some more of our history on video for the future generations to watch when John is no longer around.
    Only a couple of pics today. More tomorrow

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    No Camper

    5. März in Neuseeland ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

    After I posted the blog last night I went for a walk. My brother and sister-in-law live on a lifestyle block near Christchurch. The houses I saw were very very nice when I was out walking. They are on an irrigation scheme and you could see some water their grass others it is brown.
    I was able to walk around a large block and had to take the picture of the Mandeville sign. No where near Gore. I also saw a cemetery - didn't go in and could only see one headstone.
    This morning I had a real success. I emptied the grey waste all by myself..!! After the anguish of failing last time the jubilation in succeeding felt excellent and a real confidence booster. I am sure it was because of the twinking Winny did the other day.
    Winny and son Josh (who arrived from Oz overnight) then got me to check the oil and water. Perhaps something else.
    They also helped me with litres of fuel in the camper tank, distance travelled and so I can use the trip meter till I get home and get it repaired, without any worry.
    Next they then came with me to the petrol station to check the pressure in my tyres. First time I have had more than two people in the camper.
    So so appreciate if their help.
    Said my farewells and off to post some mail and a parcel to Jack. Bit early for the campervan place so a chat on the phone to Jack filled in time nicely.
    There was a problem with the temperature reading on the camper. The one that shows the outside temperature. Handy but not like I can't use it without it. In December when I was up they were unable to get the part but I was happy to have it repaired in Feb when I planned to be in Christchurch next. The service manager said it would take an hour. I thought I would wait with my phone and book an hour would go quickly. However more of an issue than just changing the part. They wanted more time and it was getting close to 5pm.
    A help help call to my dear sister said that she would come and get me and she would give me a bed for the night.
    So no camper this evening. I will be okay this time. I really could have been sleeping on the street...!
    Hope the wiring issue is found and perhaps even it may help the fuel gauge. Fingers crossed.
    I think it will be okay in the morning and I reunited with my house on wheels

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    Three weeks on the road

    4. März in Neuseeland ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Not much to report today. Been "home" all day. Got the camper booked in for the small repair tomorrow afternoon so I was able to makes some plans. Their communication is terrible. They said they would phone this morning but I had to phone them this afternoon.
    Boring things today like paying some large bills and tidying camper. Nose in a book, a little tele and some games.
    Some shots my niece took here this morning. I wasn't up early enough to get them! Hope you they are not copy right

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    3. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    My lovely brother washed my camper this morning. So lovely to drive a clean vehicle. He is very good to his sister.
    It was then a quick change and off to the Havard Bar to meet the old friends from the Air Force. We have been before and may have had the odd cocktail there and it brought back fond memories.
    Lots of lovely conversations. The food was good too.
    Marg had a raffle and low and behold I drew out my own number! Very nice set of bowls.
    We then walked over to towards the Wigram Museum. The state of the plaque to Airwomen is not in the best of order and Marg is a champion trying to get it into a better condition or replaced. She is great for doing that.
    We then went inside and saw the new WAAF display. Women's Auxillary Air Force. Small but at least it is something to recognise the ladies that served during the war. There were two cupboards cut outs of former Airwomen - we need one of Dale Kuiti now. Dale is the longest serving Airwomen. 49 years! She retired a couple of years ago.
    Today there was also a vintage (retro) day - sale, being held as well. Six women couldn't resist.
    I managed to get some succulents for my sister and a belt for Jack. Very pleased with my bargains.
    Back to Gayle'e for a cuppa. Collect my lovely laundry from my sisters. Not ironed...! Didn't need it. Back to Ohoka.
    Arrived once again for a for more delicious food. I am very lucky.
    Not sure if everyone knows you can get my blog in ascending and descending order at the press of a button - no need to scroll through to find the latest one.
    Thank you all for reading and your kind comments.

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    Farmers Market

    2. März in Neuseeland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    This morning my sister and I went to get her new phone sorted and we then went and picked up her granddaughter and went to the markets at Riccarton. A lot busier than the markets I have been to in the past.
    Like all markets interesting things. See the picture of the tomatoes. I also got some fruit and a couple of sweet treats.
    There was a pipe band competition and loads of pipers in all shapes and forms in the same park. Really good to see them.
    It was great to see the stream at the farmers market with such clear water. Not sure if you will be able to see that in the photo.
    Back to Carolyn's and then in the camper and off to my brother's place for some much needed helped with various things.
    Seem the grey waste tank was empty, must have been leaking. I am pretty confident that I will be able to empty in the future with Winston excellent tuition. Cap on now to ensure I do the right thing in the future, and handle in the closed position.
    He was great and helped me with the others things that needed to be attended too with the camper. One task was installing the dash cam. Perhaps I will be able to show you some footage in the blog.
    Great meal at the "big house". I could have stayed and helped with a jigsaw but decided to go to the camper for the evening and catching up on things.

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