  • Giorno 17

    Adventures on the Rhein

    14 giugno 2017, Germania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Mannheim, were the Neckar joins the Rhine, was really just a place to stay before the next river. The hotel proprietor came out to chat this morning and gave us some good advice about the best way out of town. This involved following the last bit of the Neckar, then getting a small ferry across to get onto the right side of the Rhine. A very small ferry, we were the only passengers for its first trip of the day at 10am. It cost all of 50 cents each.

    We then wanted to cross to the left side, the route on that side was shorter so we were hoping the next bridge had a cycle crossing. We were in luck. All we had to do was climb up 3 flights of steps inside the bridge pylon to come out onto a bike path along side the road. Then of course it was back down the steps in the pylon on the other side. A handy sign at the top of the steps advised Radfahrer to dismount. The photo looks back to Mannheim from the top of the bridge, we had finally got past the industrial area. The main town of interest on the way today was Worms, old cathedral built in about 1100, many additions and rebuilds since then I think.

    When we weren't beside the river today we were riding through vineyards. Now we're in a small town called Nachenheim, not far from Mainz. Much nicer to be staying in a small town.
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