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  • Day 1–6


    April 17 ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    We’ve arrived in Bangkok to a record heat wave and are beginning to realise that maybe we should have planned this Asian leg of our trip a little better. But we’re here now so we have to suck it up buttercup.

    The hotel we are staying in is stunning and nice respite from the heatwave. We are situated on the Chao Praya River which is a busy river snaking through the heart of Bangkok.

    Day and night the river is busy with public ferries, tourist boats, cargo boats and long tail boats that skip over the waves. But it’s at night time that the river comes alive with very loud dinner cruises that are packed with massive Chinese tour groups.

    It’s nice to sit in the Sheraton Club Lounge, sip on a pina colada in the air con and watch the chaos as they park the boats four deep and direct people through and onto the boats.

    As mentioned above the weather is extreme here at the moment and as such we haven’t been able to do much sightseeing. Or should I say too scared to do too much outside.

    The times we have been out to eat at the night food market, Asiatique and IconSIAM have been later in the day and we are sitting in a bucket of our own sweat and absolutely knackered by the time we get home.

    I am always concerned about Andy’s little heart trouble he had before we left Australia so absolutely water boarding him when we’re out and making sure he doesn’t get 🥵

    Tomorrow is our last day in Bangkok so are determined to go to the Grand Palace and to see the Reclining Buddha.

    After that we are heading down south to Ao Nang which will be our jumping off point for the islands and some welcome sea breezes.

    Stay tuned!
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