  • Hari 19

    Heading for Cabo de Hornos

    5 Februari 2017, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

    This wonderful continent continued to entrance us as each day passed.

    Using the zodiacs we skirted amazing ice sculptures of bright blue and jade green both translucent and transparent. Every time the fog lifted a wonderland of carved ice, amazing shapes and stunning colours were revealed to us. We just kept on taking pictures.

    Over the following days, we were delighted to be able to pay a visit to some wonderful landing spots – Mikkelsen Harbour, Trinity Island, Cierva Cove, Deception Island, Port Lockroy, Port Charcot and the amazing Lemaire Channel to name just some of them.

    We were constantly bombarded by the sounds and smells of a parade of Gentoo, Adele and Chinstrap penguins, seals, whales and too many birds to count. No-one ever tired of watching this beautiful landscape and its amazing inhabitants, we were left in awe after each excursion and wanting more.

    All things must end and for us it was reaching Cabo de Hornos, Cape Horn, after a fairly easy crossing of the Drake Passage. To our delight we were able to land and get off the boat to explore the little lighthouse and meet the lighthouse keeper and his family. Not all sailors passing this way are so fortunate.
    Baca lagi