Off to Japan

April - Mei 2018
We are about to spend 3 weeks in Japan - Amr’s first time there, and this is the first time for me using this let’s see how we go! We meet Carole and John Petrich in Kyoto for the last week, and we all come back to Sydney. Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 16

    Continuing the P.S. and more..

    6 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Somehow the beginning of the P.S. got uploaded and went off into space....I left it and thought I could continue...I’m sure I can, but must have pressed the wrong thing...oh well, here goes again. Actually I am really liking this travel app despite this feels comfortable, I can see all comments etc..the only thing at the moment is it takes forever to download and upload the photos...but that is the wifi.

    Anyway, to expand on the day as it was really special. The walking in the palace grounds was heavenly. We could not get into the palace ...that takes weeks of booking, but I think the gardens were perfect. Amr reminds me there was an exhibit in the beginning of treasures from the palace..but otherwise we just is hilly at places, and there is a moat and huge walls...and we had no time limit. You have seen the photos of how beautiful it was. Then just outside the other gate was the art museum, a little dip into culture..and also peaceful. There was a Matisse, a few Paul Klees, but mostly Japanese - some traditional, some almost western style impressionist...and seats placed conveniently to sit and enjoy.

    The long walk back to Ginza needs no expansion, but I have to say that we were wearing our more respectable clothes, and my purple shoes (and my feet in them!) survived the kilometres very well!

    But it is the restaurant that I want to elaborate on. It was ghastly trying to find it, when we realised we were getting late, and we had had all the time in the world. It was a chapter of accidents as Amr had mistakenly entered a wrong address in iCal...which fortunately the taxi driver couldn’t read or we would have been whisked off to that wrong place (presumably a different restaurant with Michiba in its name). Ours is called Kaishoku Michiba. But after the difficulties sorted and we arrived, the experience was amazing. We were the only non Japanese of course...up on the 8th floor and with only Japanese writing on the lift directory no passing tourist would see it. We were greeted with all the usual bows, and led to our chosen place at the counter looking into the kitchen, so we could see the continuous and meticulous preparation that was happening. They had printed a menu for us in English...luckily or we would not had had a clue. And we elected to have the full fixed price menu rather than a la carte. Wine was not on the list...and nobody was drinking wine..we had beer and it went well, and tea appeared every now and then. Each dish was a small artistic presentation..i can’t describe them individually but the whole experience was unique. The tastes were very subtle...not robust, and mostly had fish in some form. One surprising thing was that it all went quite sooner had you finished one, the next appeared, and it was all over soon after 9 pm - having started at 8. And we looked around, many tables were now empty, and the kitchen seemed to be closing down, not getting ready for new arrivals! So the Japanese seem to dine early...contrast to Spain where they may not start till 9 or 10! When we left, all the kitchen chefs stood to attention and bowed us farewell! As did the other staff as they ushered us into the lift!! All quite unique. Thank you Paul!

    Well I have been writing this offline in Blue Bottle, and we are off for the day, so goodness knows when it will get published, but I just wanted to get it off my chest! Maybe we’ll pass an Apple store and get wifi!! Amr whisked me off too early, but now we are off to the fish markets, and after that Roppongi. That will be another story.

    ...It is now Sunday afternoon and there hasn’t been a chance to publish this morning’s thoughts, so will continue now with what we have done so far today. It is 4 pm and I am sitting in the Tokyo Midtown Galleria in Roppongi. I have had my fill of window shopping, but Amr is continuing, so this is my chance to write, sitting in one of the many comfortable spaces! We made it to the fish market area...first walked round a residential area of many and varied high rise apartments...think it is called River City...pleasant, and near the river. Then we followed on to the fish market, in fact the outer fish market area where the little narrow streets with many restaurants or stalls sell wonderful fish offerings! This is one time when you do seem to eat in public. We got calamari and scallops on sticks, yum, a huge juicy fresh oyster each. A highlight was grilled tuna on sticks - first grilled on a BBQ, then sprayed with a magic soy mixture and blowtorched - absolutely divine! We then sat at a sushi train good. Then got the train back to Roppongi where we are now.

    Roppongi bears no resemblance to the place we stayed in in 1984. Then there was no high rise, in fact the only high rise in Tokyo then was Shinjuku...but now there are massive buildings everywhere. So it is totally new to me. This huge complex here has the Ritz Carlton on floors 47 to 53 or something!!! Otherwise it is shops, apartments....we even found a Blue Bottle coffee shop in the Barney’s store!!

    I am quite tired...a good day, but look forward to down time soon. I have to mention the traffic, seeing I have been comparing with 1984. Then the roads were in constant grid lock, traffic inching along...ghastly. These days there is very little traffic, and cars drive along freely, no horns or road with everything else, very calm. Greg told me that you are not allowed to have a car unless you have a garage...maybe that helped change it. But something has worked, and there is certainly plentiful and efficient public transport. Also then everyone smoked, and there were butts on the ground everywhere. Again, all changed, very rare to see a smoker, and NO butts. Speaking of cleanliness - the other day I saw a garbage truck collecting rubbish, and the inside where the rubbish goes was shiny clean!!! Wow. We also walked by, and admired the ultra modern and huge art museum here. Didn’t have the oomph to go in, but just looking at the building was quite an experience!

    So now finally sitting in a wine bar in this complex...our first wine for a while! It is quite interesting - it’s only 5 o’clock, but everyone is ordering and eating dinners, so last night’s dinner ending at 9 was obviously normal, in fact even late!! Very restorative here - there aren’t many wine drinking places visible to us, and after I am going to brave it going back to Shinjuku by myself, as Amr wants to continue here! Hope I make it!! Then will finally publish - the end of yesterday, and today.
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  • Hari 16

    A P.S. from yesterday

    6 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Now it’s Sunday morning, and I felt I wanted to expand a little on yesterday’s doings. I like writing in the evening while it is all fresh in my mind, but it was late and I only mentioned the bare bones of what we did! We are feeling really comfortable and at home here now. Have semi mastered the amazingly complex train and subway system..that is, we can usually find our way to our desired destination! And then feel very proud of ourselves.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 17

    Monday May 7, a calm day!

    7 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    A very relaxed day. So far anyway - it is only just before 4 pm, and we’ve come back to rest and change and get ready to go our to our second fancy dinner - at Abysse - highly recommended by Cathy, and also Greg and Helen. Looking forward to it, and we DO know where it is! So this morning we headed out to Nihombashi where we had been before on the first day, and had walked back to Ginza. This time we went the other way and saw a small shrine - the shrine of the Golden Helmet - set amongst high rise buildings and highways, and then we had a visit to the Tokyo stock exchange. Interesting, with history and pictures like a mini museum, and you can walk round and see where the floor was, and the bell. It is all on computers now, but there is a board with numbers and showing the activity. Beautifully kept building of course.

    Then we walked to the very elegant department store Mitsukoshi...we had rather hoped to watch the opening ceremony they do each morning but were too late. But we had a fun wander in there, and ended in the food hall in the basement, got a little food, just enough to keep us going till dinner tonight, but as usual had to find somewhere to eat it! We thought we saw a little park where people were sitting, but it turned out to be a smoking area - the first we’d seen - but finally found another area where people were sitting...they were all on their phones, not eating, but we didn’t think that mattered...hope we weren’t being too rude! Forgot to mention that in Mitsukoshi in the men’s tie section there were some beautiful ties that we were admiring, especially a gorgeous one in a special case - then we saw it was ¥1,000,000 !! We talked to the lady who saw us looking at it and she told us it was hand embroidered silk!! That’s the sort of shop it was! Though we did get Liv a t-shirt for her birthday there!

    We were going to spend time in a big park on the other side of Shinjuku but we read that the Japanese garden section which is the special bit and requires admission is closed on Mondays, so we’ll do it another day. Also it is starting to sprinkle a bit. On the way back we called in to the tour booking place at Shinjuku station and booked a ticket to do a round trip to Hakone....Greg and Helen recommended go yourself at the times you choose and if it is nice weather (which it won’t be sadly) we would see Mt Fuji, but it will be a good day anyway, and a change from the city. This is for tomorrow but if the weather was too bad we could do it Wednesday. But the forecast for the rest of the week is not good. We have had good weather so far, and rain never means rain all day!

    We had put off this excursion till this week waiting till after Golden week. This morning was a normal Monday morning, everyone streaming to work, not on holiday...quite a different atmosphere. Will report on the dinner tomorrow morning...
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  • Hari 17

    A try at one more photo

    7 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Couldn’t put the photo in the stock exchange in an Apple store with proper wifi and will try again...not an amazing photo, just experimenting...actually 2 came up!

  • Hari 18

    May 8, a completely different day

    8 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Just back from a fabulous day, but first I must report on last night’s dinner. It was an amazing experience - quite contrasting to the Iron Chef restaurant of Saturday which was unique and wonderful and totally Japanese - this place is written up as French, but while there is French influence it felt very Japanese to us. The ambience could be French - simple and tasteful, and you use knives and forks not chopsticks, but the food was Japanese - except the chef combined interesting things in perhaps not a Japanese way (for instance there was a dish of octopus and tripe with baby corn - sounds weird, but I think even tripe haters would enjoy it!!). Anyway, it was great - there is just a degustation menu so no choices which is good, and was almost entirely seafood (except for the tripe!), and judged perfectly so that you could eat everything and not feel too full. It was raining by yesterday afternoon as predicted, but we went by subway anyway with a walk at the end as we had so painstakingly found where it was the other day! Cathy and Paul would think we were mad and we arrived rather drowned, but satisfied, and we had dried out by the second entrée! Barely sprinkling on the way home...

    Now for today - we had a day out of Tokyo. Helen and Greg had told us about, and recommended, a trip to Hakone. You get a ticket for the day (about $55 each) and go by train to Hakone-Yumoto, then you can go on another train up the mountain - like the zigzag railway - and there is a cablecar (which is like a funicular) and a ropeway (which is a suspended car) and a boat ride on the lake! Also there are buses to get everywhere too. You can choose your route and mode of transport and spend all day doing it...very good value and lots of fun. The Hakone area is a resort with mountains and a lake, and quite a lot of people were staying there, but it is close enough to Tokyo for a day trip. There would be views of Mt Fuji in good weather, but we knew that wasn’t going to happen. Rain is predicted all this week so we went today anyway as rain wasn’t meant to start till after 3 pm (and tomorrow, our last full day here, is AM rain)...and it didn’t rain and only sprinkling as we arrived back at Shinjuku.

    So after arriving by train, we decided to go up the mountain first before the clouds closed in, and went up the fun zigzag, and then the Ropeway, stopping midway at a station where there was a tourist shop and restaurant...very volcanic air smelling of sulphur, and where they sell black eggs - they are cooked in the volcanic water and it turns the shells black!! We ate some for lunch (you buy a pack of 5, lovely and hot and hard-boiled) and eating them is meant to add 7 years to your life!!! Then we descended in part two of the Ropeway down to the lake where there are these crazy “pirate” ships that take you down the lake to another town - Hakonemachi-Ko. We got off there and walked a few kilometres to the next town via a path of Ancient Cedar trees. This was the old Tokaido road and the trees were planted over 400 years ago to protect travellers from the weather...gorgeous enormous trees, and it was misty and rather mystical by the time we walked along it. Upon arriving at the next town we decided the weather wasn’t going to last much longer so we hopped on a bus, which went along a very winding road, back to the train station. A fun day!

    Am putting the food photos now, and then will add today’s as a separate entry, as they take SO long to download and upload!
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  • Hari 19

    Wednesday May 9, last day in Tokyo

    9 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    As forecast it was raining this morning, not heavy and drenching, but enough to be annoying and to need a raincoat or umbrella. And it was COLD! About 11° so was very grateful I put my down jacket in at the last minute. When we first arrived and it was in the high 20s I wouldn’t have dreamed I’d need it! It also was meant to clear up around midday.

    So we set off, just staying round Shinjuku today....there is so much we haven’t seen. While the weather was bad we looked in shops a bit, and wandered around different parts and admired the many amazing huge modern buildings...tried to go up to the observation deck in the Sumitomo building, but couldn’t find the entrance...maybe they thought no one would want to observe today...actually there was some construction and probably it’s off for the moment. Anyway, we had fun, and finally the drizzle stopped. We had waited as we wanted to visit the Shinjuku Gyoen National garden, and it was perfect timing!

    The gardens looked so fresh after the rain, and the light was lovely - cloudy bright...I took many art shots! And there were not very many people of course. Perfect! It is a huge area, with a Japanese traditional garden, a French formal garden, an English landscape garden and a mother and child’s forest. All is just beautifully done and maintained of course, in true Japanese style. The Japanese garden is the serene, manicured area with bridges and ponds and trees that are artistically pruned. Then we came upon the French garden - it has an avenue of sycamore trees on each side surrounding a formal rose garden, and right now the roses are in luxuriant bloom!! So lucky, just beautiful. I think what they call the English landscape is lovely lawns and trees, and there was also a huge and beautifully and artistically arranged greenhouse. So that was a great couple of hours.

    Then we returned via Blue Bottle - everyone knows Amr there now, he is always greeted by all the staff! - had a small bite to eat, and a little shopping in UniQlo and I have come back to the room, while Amr continued in the shops and has texted to me that he has found a Hokkaido food fair and is having fun!

    Off to Kyoto on the Shinkansen tomorrow - a new experience!
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  • Hari 20

    Now in Kyoto - Thursday May 10

    10 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    It’s 10.20 pm, rather late to be writing, but will try and get it all down. We were whisked on a bullet train to Kyoto this morning ..takes 2 hours and 20 mins...and as we alighted from the train, we could see our hotel from the platform, so we were checking in within minutes of arrival...contrast to Shinjuku! But first I must mention dinner last night because it was fun. We walked the streets round our area for a while and found that if we went a bit further than usual we came into a very classy shopping area, and we went down the little narrow side streets there and found a place that looked popular and what we would like. Not at all fancy, but the food pictures looked good...and we found it was a place where, depending on what you order, they bring a little grill to your table...we hadn’t realised that the scallop (one huge one in a shell) and our vegetables would be cooked on the grill...they as always helpful about putting sauces, and using the tongs and scissors on the table in a container to deal with the scallop..delicious and good vibes...we got talking to both lots of people next to us....the last ones had a fish, and some shell fish on their of them said he was from Hokkaido and he had been working at the Hokkaido food fair that Amr had stumbled on, so that was a talking point!

    Now for today - we were looking forward to this hotel as it is the top class Ibis (there are 3 categories - budget, normal and classy - we usually have the normal one). The Tokyo room was spotless and perfect, but very small, and we were looking forward to spreading out a little in the fancier hotel! Well, the room here is TINY! We just laughed! It of course is immaculate and extremely comfortable bed and bathroom, except for space! But we’ve had 10 days of it, and we manage fine - move all the tea-making equipment etc to make surfaces where we can put things...

    We arrived about 1 pm, so had the afternoon to do Amr got us moving - got a subway to the imperial palace and found we could visit there without booking or ticket so we did and it was really good. It is sunny here, though still quite cool...lovely had started to rain again in Tokyo just as our train pulled out! We then found that there are more parts of the imperial palace complex that you book to visit, so we booked for Saturday morning (needed passports)...then we got the subway to the famous bag shop that Peter and Louise have talked so much about...they hand make canvas bags...made by generations of a family of sailmakers I believe... just a fairly small place, but very popular - many tourists there, and some Japanese. Amr bought some orders for P and L, and for Denise who also loved it when she was there.

    We returned to Kyoto station, and our hotel, by bus, arriving on the other side of the station. I thought we were somewhere else, as from the other side the station is absolutely enormous! Still easy to negotiate as we just had to cross to the other side, but it is a huge glass structure with layers of shops and restaurants and a hotel even up there above it all! (Which I assume is where P and L stayed!). From our side it just looks like a raised train suggestion of the city within it! Mostly the bits of Kyoto we saw today are low rise buildings - old and rather higgledy-piggledy...not the huge skyscrapers of Tokyo...but this station building was an exception.

    Had fun at dinner again tonight...walked along behind the fancy side of the station and saw many possible places but picked one that took our fancy and again had hot coals at our table and cooked sukiyaki - just delicious, again they started us off and showed us what to do...put some soy and finely chopped apple to make a sauce to cook the meat and vegs...all good. And now back in our pod room, and Amr is reading the book and planning our activities! Again the hotel provides a smart phone and there is a laundry, so we manage well!
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  • Hari 21

    Friday in Kyoto - temples and shrines

    11 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Tallie has asked for a photo of our tiny room! I will have to show 2 - one standing at the window looking towards the door, and one the other come in the door to a passage way. On the immediate right is a small space for hanging, then the bathroom door, then you arrive at the main area - the entire right side is filled with the king size bed, surrounded on 3 sides with walls, and the narrow space of the hallway continues beside the bed to the window wall. It is nice and airy, and the window opens, though only a view of the next door building. And there is a counter/desk part on the left wall! So not much space for bags or clothes! Luckily we both packed in zip bags for shirts, undies etc, so they are all out and piled up and all manageable...just so funny as we thought this would be the fancy room!!

    Anyway, we had breakfast - included in our deal here - and it was good - Japanese and western choices buffet - and went to a coffee place that Amr had spotted...not as good as Blue Bottle, but the one in Kyoto is not in this area sadly. So off we went to shrines and temples. There are so many all over this city it seems. We walked, as we hadn’t done much walking yesterday, and it is pretty boring walking...round the parts we did yesterday and today anyway...there are many parts yet undiscovered. Of course once you find the temples or shrines they are amazing - little oases of beauty and serenity. The first temple was the very famous Sanjusangen-do which has the 1000 golden Buddhas- I even remember this from my visit in the dim past...still amazing, and no photos allowed in the Buddha part, but we did light a candle for Sue. On the way to the next great temple, we saw several shrines and visited the Kawai Kanjiro house. He as a poet and artist and his house is now a memorial to him (he died mid 20th century I think) and is like a museum of a traditional Japanese house. Then on to the Kennin-ji temple. Also a tourist must see - beautiful grounds and also you can go into the beautiful interior - courtyards, manicured garden, art and the actual temple itself is huge and impressive. It was started in 1202 and was the beginning of Zen Buddhism.

    By then we were rather hot and was 12° when we started, and has risen to 25° so quite a contrast, though a beautiful day. We were contemplating buses, when we noticed a train station, so Amr cleverly worked out how to get back to Kyoto Station using 2 lines. Our trusts .suica cards from Tokyo work here as well - for trains and buses and sometimes buying things like a drink machine. Very handy. So I am relaxing back here in the room, and Amr, ever on the move, is out for a bit more checking the neighbourhood! We think we may try a little yakitori place we spotted last night for dinner....
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