  • Dag 14

    A fantastic birthday in Legoland!

    21. august 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Sam is 10! Mum and Dad can't believe it. What a place to wake up, on a birthday.

    Legoland is great. So many things are made of Lego. The rides and displays are awesome. And for once we didn't get rained on! The first ride we chose was a Virtual Reality rollercoaster... You really go on the rollercoaster but wear a headset and it feels like you're in a race with other Lego vehicles and in different terrains. So exciting! And of course we won.

    We went on lots of rollercoaster rides and other rides. It was awesome to do so many fun things all as a family. And we've already done some Lego shopping!

    In the afternoon we had a couple of hours at the water park. We all went swimming in a river where you could try to make a raft out of foam Lego! And we went on some waterslides. Sam and Ruby went down a waterslide in a raft together without mum and Dad! Sam went on the high fast slides while mum and Ruby did more floating.

    At dinner a Lego chef brought Sam a little birthday cake and all the staff sang. Pretty cool

    We have more photos to share in the next post...
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