Our little family adventure

mai - november 2018
We are travelling for 6 months for a bit of world education for Lila before she starts school + we like travelling :) Les mer
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  • Dag 39

    Welcome back to India

    27. juni 2018, India ⋅ 🌧 32 °C

    Lila was very excited to be taking the plane again, this time just a very short flight back to India. It was a bit of a mental challenge for me, to be leaving the relaxing energies of Nepal to go back to the buzzing, lively craziness of New Dehli.
    After readjusting our taste buds back to spicy curry, and enjoying masala chai we did some shopping, Lila and I learnt the hard way, to always give way to cows on the road, and Jean got his usual number 3 from a roadside barber who used scissors instead of an electric clippers as well as a got his broken rubber thongs (flip flops to the non Aussies) repaired by a shoe man, for now saving them from land fill. We ate some very yummy ice cream and visited the Tibetan quarter for a yummy dinner :)
    Les mer

  • Dag 42


    30. juni 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We are on our way back to the Himalayas but this time on the Indian side. Thanks to an old work friend Elyssa, we found out about workaway, which are volunteer opportunities for people travelling. We have stopped in Rishikesh for 2days on our way to our first workaway. Rishikesh is an interesting city on the banks of the holy river Ganges in the Himalayan foothills. It's known for its yoga retreats and ashrams as well as a place for local indian tourism visiting the holy river. And there are literally ashrams, organic sonething and Ayurvedic treatment places every corner you turn. This was a bit of an unplanned stop, as we were originally planning on staying in another town, so we spent our time visiting the same river we visited in Varanasi (this time Jean didn't go for a swim, but we saw someone happily drinking the water from the river), indulging in some expensive but very nice food at an organic cafe (after 2 other places we wanted to eat at were closed for monsoon season), chilling at a lovely cafe and Lila went on a lovely hand operated ride (which she loved!)Les mer

  • Dag 43

    Volunteering with Pahaadi

    1. juli 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    After a scenic and lot less bumpy than Nepal bus ride we arrived at Laluri and Dov villages where we would volunteer with Pahaadi society. This new Ngo is run by Dev, a young passionate guy who wants to reverse the dessertification of the village by providing motivation and opportunities for people to remain in the village instead of going to the city. There are a whole range of different projects that they are working on including and organic garden and afternoon classes for children, which were the projects we would work on. These villages are beautiful, people are lovely, however it's pretty evident that life can be hard. Agricultural life involves long days in the field, also trying to fight off monkeys which enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Most families have buffalos, so this involves feeling them with a huge amount of grass, which is grown in fields and women or girls spending their days cutting grass and carrying the bundles of grass on their head up or down the hillside. some girls stop going to school to help their families with this. The village is primarily families and older people and younger children. There is pretty strong absence of people or men in their 20s and 30s as they leave for work in the city. There are beautiful springs where there is a generally good supply of fresh and cool drinking water, however the village only received town/ mains water every 2-3 days. The vehicle free village is such a nice thing, and it means you get a good work out walking within and between villages, which we needed to do each afternoon to get to the afternoon classes.Les mer

  • Dag 46

    Mansi's birthday

    4. juli 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We were lucky to be invited to a local 14 year old birthday party in the village. Mansi turned 14yrs old today, and was celebrated with a a group of mostly village women making music on the roof top, as apparently birthdays are a celebration for the mother. Followed by birthday cake and dancing to great cheesy Indian pop music :)
    Mansi has been so lovely to Lila and her family have been generous with chai and milk from their buffalos.
    Les mer

  • Dag 49

    Most beautiful pool in the world

    7. juli 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    We were treated to a little hidden jewel in Dov village, a spring fed swimming pool, with amazing mountain views. Some village boys take the responsibility of cleaning the pool weekly and we are lucky to visit just after it's been cleaned. As well as being a swimming pool it's a showering, water collecting and clothes washing venue, so unfortunately our second visit the water wasn't as clean, but Lila enjoyed a little bath in our washing bucket :)Les mer

  • Dag 50

    Returning to Rajasthan

    8. juli 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    We volunteered with Pahaadi society for a week and decided it wasn't the best fit for our family. Volunteering with a 4year old was perhaps a little more challenging than we first thought.
    One of the most difficult things was daily routine, we were eating in the evening around 9-10pm, so then Lila wasn't sleeping until after this and then she would wake early morning. She was often wanted to play when we were working in the garden and by the time there were afternoon classes with the children, she was overtired and exhausted.
    So we thought we would try another one in Rajasthan, it's a Democratic Learning Centre, where children decide what they want to learn. The project is based in Agar village about 90km from Jaipur.
    Our trip back to Rajasthan was full of learning. We had waitlisted tickets for a train from holy city Haridwar to Jaipur, which the online estimators suggested we had a 90% chance of being confirmed. Sometimes you only get the confirmation a few hours before the train is due to leave. Anyway we ended up being the 10% chance of not being confirmed. Next lesson, avoid travelling on Sundays, the only day off in India, particularly to Holy cities where everyone is also trying to leave on a Sunday afternoon. After finding our train tickets didn't get confirmed, we then found out all the air con bus tickets were sold out, so we ended up taking the local bus for the 12hr overnight trip to Jaipur. It was in interesting trip which involved going through a traffic packed New Delhi around 1am and getting suck in huge amounts of traffic. We passed huge big glamorous buildings which can be next to families sleeping under tarp tents, which really highlights the huge gap between the rich and the poor here.
    Les mer

  • Dag 51

    Visiting Jaipur

    9. juli 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 38 °C

    We decided to stop overnight in Jaipur as Jean has always wanted to go there, however his first impression was that it was dirty (and we funnily we arrived in the early morning when they are cleaning the streets, so is generally the cleanest). We took this opportunity to visit the City Palace and Jantar Mantar, a UNESCO site and with huge astronomical instruments.Les mer

  • Dag 52

    Workaway in Rajasthan

    10. juli 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 37 °C

    We took the bus to Agar village to volunteer at 'masti Ki pathshala', a democratic learning centre for the children of the village. The idea of this type of school is to let the children decide what they want to learn, there is no curriculum/exams and children can come and go as they please. The centre operates in the afternoon, as the children attend regular government school in the morning. Gautam, the very passionate founder of this Centre faces various challenges, including working in a rural village which he is not from and trying to work with the mentality of people who only believe what they already know. We were lucky to meet other lovely volunteers here from Uraguay, France, Spain and India. We ended up staying 2 weeks here and did some stuff
    around growing seedlings, reducing plastic, team work, and just playing with the children.
    Les mer

  • Dag 53

    Agar village

    11. juli 2018, India ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

    Our home for 2 weeks is the small village Agar in Rajasthan. When we arrived it was very hot, however we brought the rain with us which was so nice to cool things down. Agar is home to around 120 families and the world for most children here is no bigger than a 40km radius around the village. There is a lot of agriculture which includes growing grass to feed buffalos. Many families are also hand making amazing carpets, we were told they work for a big company in Jaipur which deliver the wool to the village and the carpets are made here and then go back to Jaipur to be sold. Many families are big with lots of children and like most villages in India, they live as a big extended family unit. The village has a main bazaar on the main street of town which features about 10 chai wallas, a few tailors, 3-4 barbers, 3-4 doctors/drug distributors, and many general stores which sell a bit of everything. There are lots of monkeys in the village, cows and goats are herded through the village many times during the day. The village becomes alive at 6am, as the daily water supply starts at 6am for about 30-45mins. In the dry season water often doesn't come every day. Here you will see people fetching water, filling their water tanks and children lined up to shower. Like many other villages we have seen, you see women working in their colourful saris and then you see men sitting around on the streets and they appear like they are doing nothing all day. Sorry that's probably a totally bias perspective from a woman!Les mer

  • Dag 65

    Visiting Ajmer

    23. juli 2018, India ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    After volunteering in Agar we decided to head to holy pilgramage city Ajmer, not too far from Jaipur. Ajmer is a famous pilgrimage city for Muslims as there is the shrine of a Sufi saint. We were told it's quite an amazing peaceful place, however the number of people leading to the shrine made us decide to just pass outside and continue on. The following day we visited a Jain temple museum, with beautiful wooden carvings plated in gold. Jainism is an old religion originating in India, whose main principle is no harm or no violence to any living thing (moving or non moving), to the extent that some people sweep before they walk to avoid stepping on insects and not eating and root vegetables as kills the micronutrients in the ground. The idea of non violence doesn't apply to just actions, but speech and thoughts.Les mer